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'1 <br /> City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 8, 1998 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Mr.Ness questioned the full assessments being paid on these streets while the sidewalks.on St. <br /> 2 Anthony Boulevard are not being assessed. Mayor.Ranallo stated St.Anthony Boulevard is a <br /> 3 State MSA road, and the State has allowed the City to use state funds for sidewalks along the <br /> 4 Boulevard for the first time this year. <br /> 5 Thuesen reiterated there has been concern among residents like Mr.Ness who doubly <br /> 6 charged for assessments. He questioned whether DNR funds could be applied toward flood <br /> 7 mitigation efforts in alleys. Mr. Hubmer confirmed that storm water funding will be allocated <br /> 8 toward alley construction which is necessary for flood mitigation, although he was unsure of <br /> 9 exact amounts. <br /> 10 Mr. Hubmer stated final plans and cost estimates will be available before the September 30 <br /> 11 neighborhood meeting. <br /> 12 Cavanaugh stated the community needs to appreciate the project, and added the home buyout <br /> 13 issue has not been addressed yet. He added no decision had been made as yet on condemnation, <br /> 14 and the final plans can't be implemented until the home buyout issue is resolved. He questioned <br /> 15 the feasibility of successfully completing the street reconstruction program without resolution of <br /> 6 the home buyout program: <br /> 17 Mr. Hubmer stated the improvements on Pahl Avenue and Wilson Street could be completed <br /> 18 pending the purchase of the homes in the home buyout program. <br /> 19 Cavanaugh questioned the current status of the home buyout program. Mr. Mornson stated one <br /> 20 home had been purchased with another closing to be held on September 18. He added the City is <br /> 21 at a stalemate on the other 3 properties after the homeowners rejected offers based upon the <br /> 22 higher of two appraisals. <br /> 23 Cavanaugh asked what this means to the street reconstruction project, and whether it is the will <br /> 24 of the Council that the homes be condemned. He added the will of the community towards <br /> 25 condemnation has not been tested. <br /> 26 Mr. Hubmer stated the cost of the program would be doubled as the grade adjustments in the <br /> 27 alley sections would have to be done twice. <br /> 28 Thuesen asked Mr. Hubmer for his opinion on the results of the program and effects on the <br /> 29 neighborhood if the three unpurchased homes were excluded. Mr. Hubmer stated flooding <br /> 30 would occur in the designated homes as well as adjacent homes. <br /> 31 Cavanaugh asked whether property taxes will increase as a result of the street reconstruction <br /> program. He also requested clarification on the home buyout issue and its affect on the street <br /> 3 reconstruction program. <br />