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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> September 8, 1998 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 Mr. Hubmer confirmed if the home buyout program is unresolved, it would have an impact on <br /> .2 WSB's ability to provide.100-year flood protection. He added that the City has until May or . <br /> 3 June 1.999 to resolve these issues. <br /> 4 Mike Jacobs, 2914 - 29th Avenue, questioned Mr. Morrison's indication that the City would not <br /> 5 enforce the sump pump ordinance. Mr. Morrison clarified that the City will maintain the <br /> 6 ordinance but abandon the inspection program since it would cost the city$50,000 to enforce <br /> 7 home inspections. He stated less than 10%of homes currently have sump pumps and a certain <br /> 8 percelfage of these already comply with the ordinance. He reiterated that this is a temporary <br /> 9 solution until further agreement with the Metropolitan Council is reached. <br /> 10 Mr. Jacobs questioned the impact which this will have on the National Insurance Program. Mr. <br /> 11 Hubmer stated the sump pump inspection program is not a specific requirement of the National <br /> 12 Insurance Program. <br /> 13 Mr. Jacobs stated he would wish the City to be more generous with the home buyout program <br /> 14 rather than go through condemnations. Mayor Ranallo reiterated the City had two appraisals <br /> 15 completed on the properties and had offered the highest appraisal value to the homeowners. <br /> 16 Cavanaugh suggested the possibility of a 3rd party negotiator to arrive at agreements with the • <br /> 17 homeowners concerned. He added other communities utilize this process often to settle disputes. <br /> 18 Mr. Jacobs stated the flooding in his neighborhood has caused much grief and pain among <br /> 19 residents and they are concerned that a stalemate will occur in the home buyout program. He <br /> 20 added he is a willing seller, and knows of other residents on his street as well who would be <br /> 21 willing to sell their homes to the City. <br /> 22 Mr. Jacobs asked whether the Harding Neighborhood subcommittee meeting on September 23 <br /> 23 and the neighborhood meeting on September 30 were open to the public. Mayor Ranallo stated <br /> 24 all meetings are open to the public. <br /> 25 Faust stated the objective of the to accomplish the task of fixing the flooding problems <br /> 26 in the City, and the Council will accomplish this mission. <br /> 27 Motion by Faust, second by Cavanaugh to approve Resolution 98-068,receiving report and <br /> 28 ordering plans and specifications_for the 1999 Street Reconstruction Program. <br /> 29 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 30 B. . Resolution 98-069,re: Approve plans and specifications and order advertisement for bids <br /> 31 for improvements to Silver Point Park <br />