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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 8 <br /> September 10, 2002 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Councilmember Sparks asked Mr. Mornson how he saw the City proceeding and which pieces <br /> 2 Council would work on in the next year or two. Mr. Mornson indicated the key financial <br /> 3 strategies would become part of the budget book and would be discussed at the annual goal <br /> 4 setting retreat. He then said that 13 of the 19 action steps have already been started. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Councilmember Faust thanked Mr. Prosser, Mr. Mornson and the rest of the Staff for their <br /> 7 assistance with this matter. He then said that the strategies needed to be a living document to <br /> 8 assist the City with long term planning. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Mayor Hodson said he would like to go on record and the City Manager and his Staff credit for <br /> 11 the process and the recommendation to have Mr. Prosser look at this. He then said that he is <br /> 12 impressed to hear that Staff has begun implementing 13 of the 19 action items. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Mayor Hodson thanked Mr. Prosser for the presentation. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 VII. GENERAL POLICY BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL. <br /> 17 A. Consider Resolution 02-064,re: Adopt proposed 2003 tax leve and budget. <br /> 18 Mr. Mornson reviewed the resolution with the Council and indicated that the general fund levy <br /> 19 was reduced by$31,340. He then explained that due to the projected local government aid the <br /> 20 City was asked to reduce its levy amount. Councilmember Faust commented that the State did <br /> 21 not ask, it told the City to lower the amount. <br /> 22' <br /> 23 Mayor Hodson suggested Council should discuss the assessment policy as suggested by Mr. <br /> 24 Prosser. Mr. Mornson indicated that Staff could survey what other communities are doing and <br /> 25 then suggested holding a work session to discuss it. He then indicated the City assesses 35% <br /> 26 now and would be asking those that have not had their streets done yet to pay more as well as <br /> 27 assessing for sealcoating and crack filling. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Mr. Mornson commented that the City does not assess residents on MSA road as that was a <br /> 30 policy set by Council in 1993. He then said that there have been resident complaints that the <br /> 31 policy is not fair to other residents who have to pay for roads. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Mr. Mornson indicated the City's truth-in-taxation hearing would be held on December 9, 2002. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Motion by Councilmember Faust to adopt Resolution 02-064, re: Adopt proposed 2003 tax levy <br /> 36 and budget. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Mr. Mornson asked for Council feedback on his proposal to use the revenue from Tires Plus to <br /> 41 help fund the capital equipment for 2003. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Mayor Hodson indicated he was comfortable with the recommendation. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Councilmember Sparks asked what the money would ordinarily be used for. Mr. Mornson <br /> 46 indicated the funds have been accumulating each year and total $325,000. He then explained <br /> 47 that the City gets $75,000 in lease payments from Tires Plus each year and takes $15,000 to set <br />