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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 9 <br /> September 10, 2002 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 aside for future building improvements and maintenance. He further commented that the City <br /> 2 bought the Tires Plus building in 1996 with HRA money and the intent was to take the lease <br /> 3 payments to pay the City back. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Councilmember Sparks asked if the money would be needed if the City needs to rebuild the <br /> 6 store. Mr. Mornson indicated Staff had not considered that as an option for the funds at this time. <br /> 7 He then said that the property at Apache is a valuable piece of real estate and commented that <br /> 8 Staff has not looked at the difference between what the City would get for the property and what <br /> 9 the new store would cost or at funding that amount. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Councilmember Faust commented that he felt this would be a good use for the funds. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Mr. Mornson indicated there was time for consideration of the proposal as Council has until <br /> 14 December to approve the budget. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Councilmember Sparks indicated she was not comfortable with the recommendation at this time. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Mayor Hodson indicated he was comfortable with the City Manager's recommendation for how <br /> 19 to proceed with the budget. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Mr. Mornson explained that Council had said it did not want to borrow money to pay for capital <br /> 22 equipment and would prefer to use cash on hand and this is Staff's proposal for funding capital <br /> 23 equipment. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Councilmember Sparks asked if Mr. Mornson felt the recommendation should be reconsidered <br /> 26 based on Mr. Miller's letter. Mr. Mornson indicated there was time between now and December <br /> 27 for more consideration of the budget. He then said that a pumper truck that is ordered now is not <br /> 28 delivered for 12 months, leaving time to look at other funding. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Councilmember Horst commented that in looking back at other Councils one of the things he <br /> 31 noticed is that they were conservative and saved money for rainy days. He then said that he <br /> 32 would like to take heed of Mr. Miller's letter and consider setting up reserves for future use. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Councilmember Thuesen commented that former Councils were very conservative but said one <br /> 35 could debate they were conservative at the expense of capital improvements and that is why <br /> 36 there are financial difficulties now in funding those capital improvements. He then said that <br /> 37 there is a time to save and a time to buy and it is a fine line between the two but sometimes <br /> 38 spending a little money now saves you more in the long run. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Councilmember Horst commented that it is more than capital improvements as it had generally <br /> 41 been a policy to keep some in reserve and this Council should bear in mind there may be <br /> 42 opportunities to save for future rainy days. He then said that previous Council had money in <br /> .43 reserves and this Council voted to use it because it did not look like it would rain,but it did. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Councilmember Thuesen commented that the reserves grew at a cost to the City's infrastructure. <br /> 46 <br />