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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: December 10,2002 <br /> TO: Mayor and Councilmembers <br /> FROM: Michael Mornson,City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: PERSONNEL ORDINANCE CHANGES <br /> The following changes are recommended amendments to the Personnel Ordinance on personal leave. <br /> This will impact all non-union employees and Department Heads.It would be the City's intent to <br /> incorporate changes to the unions during negotiations in 2003. <br /> Change 1. Maximum Personal Bank.The maximum personal leave bank shall be 1,200 hours. Currently <br /> there is no bank. Prior to 2000,the City converted sick leave and vacation leave to personal leave. There <br /> was a bank of 1,200 hours.The max an employee could get paid out via personnel ordinance as <br /> severance pay is 600 hours. This doesn't change and has been in place for 10 years. <br /> Change 2. Personal Leave Earnings. <br /> New 0 -5 years 120 hours <br /> Old 0-5 years 176 hours(employees hired prior to 1/1/03) <br /> New 5 - 15 years 216 hours <br /> New 15 +years 256 hours <br /> It is my opinion that 22 days off after working one years is excessive and that 0 -5 years should be <br /> reduced to 15 days. <br /> Personal/Comp-Time Usage. <br /> 1) Maximum allowable usage in a year=30 days* (240 hours) <br /> *Maximum allowable usage includes any combination or use of personal leave,comp-time hours <br /> and time off without pay. <br /> 2) No employee shall use more than 3 consecutive weeks of personal leave,comp-time or time off <br /> without pay unless special permission is granted by the City Manager. <br /> Additional Time Off. <br /> 1) In some instances,additional personal leave and comp-time off may be granted with the approval <br /> of the City Manager. <br /> 2) Additional usage is permissible for family/medical leave and extended illness. <br /> 3) Additional usage is allowed for workers compensation or work related injuries. <br />