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PL AGENDA 08161988 (3)
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Planning Commission Agendas
PL AGENDA 08161988 (3)
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12/30/2015 3:13:37 PM
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12/30/2015 3:13:34 PM
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PL AGENDA 08161988
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I square sign would be 150. 75. Mr. Sikora told him that if "push comes <br /> 2 to shove" Apache would prefer eliminating the 16 square foot logo on the <br /> south entrance to the restaurant, which he perceived "was pretty useless <br /> 4 anyway. " <br /> 5 When Chair Wagner suggested Midwest Federal might have some concerns <br /> 6 about a monument sign in that location, Mr. Cavanaugh told him the sign <br /> 7 had not been discussed with the bank because the decision was only up <br /> 8 to the center. <br /> 9 Townhome Residents Across Silver Lake Road Indicate Their Concerns About <br /> 10 Restaurant <br /> 11 Eight of the residents from the townhomes across the street were present <br /> 12 to speak against the proposal . <br /> 13 Chester Krumm, commented that the quality of the five trees in that <br /> 14 island now would certainly prevent them from serving as a buffer for the <br /> 15 restaurant. <br /> 16 Leo Donahue said he lived right across from Midwest Federal and <br /> 17 corrected the designation of the service road as being 39th Avenue N.E. , <br /> 18 which instead has a semaphore traffic control. When told the service <br /> 19 road was not a public street, Mr. Donahue said it was certainly used <br /> 20 by a lot of the public and he was concerned. with the amount of traffic <br /> 21 he expected to be generated by this new restaurant. He said he would <br /> 22 expect many "young people who play their radios real loud" to frequent <br /> this facility during the nighttime hours when the older people in his <br /> townhouse complex would be trying to sleep. He said the area already <br /> 25 has a Hardee's and a Zantigo restaurant as well as the oriental <br /> 26 restaurant in Apache and Bakers Square on Stinson and he questioned <br /> 27 whether another restaurant was needed. The complainant advised against <br /> 28 "sinking too many dollars into the facility if its success is going to <br /> 29 depend on customers from Apache Plaza. " Mr. Donahue reiterated his <br /> 30 concerns about the age of the customers who he perceived would be the <br /> 31 most likely restaurant customers. He said he understood thee had been <br /> 32 a lot of police protection required for the Burger King at 19th and <br /> 33 Central and was concerned his neighborhood would be experiencing the <br /> 34 same type of problems with this facility. Mrs. Donahue wondered why the <br /> 35 restaurant traffic couldn't be directed behind Apache instead of onto <br /> 36 Silver Lake Road or at least required to use the semaphore exit instead <br /> 37 of the service road. <br /> 38 Dale Siegrist indicated he wasn't certain who was responsible for <br /> 39 maintaining the service road next to the apartments which the Burger <br /> 40 King customers would be using, but indicated he had observed that <br /> 41 "watching the cars slipping, sliding, and rear ending on that incline <br /> 42 the past few winters had been a real circus" . He indicated he expected <br /> 43 the accidents which occurred on that road would be compounded unless the <br /> 44 street is sanded and better maintained if the restaurant goes in. <br /> is 12 <br />
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