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PL AGENDA 08161988 (3)
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Agendas
PL AGENDA 08161988 (3)
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12/30/2015 3:13:37 PM
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12/30/2015 3:13:34 PM
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PL AGENDA 08161988
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1 Arline Dick reported she had also seen many accidents on that service <br /> 2 road. She was also concerned that lighting from the restaurant <br /> 0 monument sign would be shining right into their townhome complex if the <br /> 4 restaurant is allowed to stay open late at night. The Chair told Mrs. <br /> 5 Dick all lighting on the restaurant sign would be directed north and <br /> 6 south and not in her direction. She was also reminded that the City <br /> 7 Ordinance .required the restaurant to be closed between 1:00 A.M. and <br /> 8 6 :00 A.M. Mrs. Dick indicated that she was "still opposed to the sign <br /> 9 on Silver Lake Road because none of the other businesses had them and <br /> 10 she could see no reason why "all of a sudden we have to have this one." <br /> 11 Marguerite Andreason, Gladys Johnson, and Bernice Pehlinv from the <br /> 12 townhouse complex were also present to oppose the proposal. <br /> 13 Mr. Sikora responded to these objections by indicating: <br /> 1.4 *the removal of some of the concrete from around the five trees in <br /> 15 the island would probably cause them to grow better; <br /> 16 *shrubbery in the island would probably be damaged by the snow plows; <br /> 17 *confirmed that the service road was not a public road and belonged <br /> 18 to Apache and said he could see where early in the morning before the <br /> 19 mall is open there might be problems on the sloped roadway; <br /> 20 1*however, said he was certain Apache would also be made painfully <br /> 21 aware of any accidents which occurred because the first place those <br /> involved in an accident would go would be to the Apache office to <br /> complain; <br /> 24 *perceived most drivers like himself would avoid making a left turn <br /> 25 into the northbound Silver Lake Road traffic from the service road; <br /> 26 *he agreed that a large shopping center like this one generated a lot <br /> 27 of traffic for residential streets but thought putting up a light at <br /> 28 that intersection would be possible but rather improbable because of <br /> 29 the cost; <br /> 30 *in relation to the lighting from the restaurant shining into the <br /> 31 townhome windows, he said that the lighting proposed for the sign on <br /> 32 the building was not the type which projected out and the neighbors <br /> 33 would probably have a hard time discerning the difference between the <br /> 34 restaurant lighting and the lighting which is already present in the <br /> 35 parking lot. <br /> 36 When Commissioner Hansen commented that he perceived the decision to <br /> 37 put the restaurant in that particular location must have been strictly <br /> 38 the Rein Company's and he questioned the statement that the center <br /> 39 couldn't put in a curb cut to service a building which would be closer <br /> 40 to Silver Lake Road. <br /> 13 <br />
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