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PL MINUTES 08191980
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 08191980
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PL MINUTES 08191980
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c <br /> -3- <br /> • Harry Schroeder:.of Horizon Development Company, .architect..for the new <br /> office building, Anthony Place. at 28,55 Anthony Lane. South in the <br /> St. Anthony Office Park, .appeared to present the ,petition for a--free <br /> standing sign variance for a 60 square foot identification sign <br /> for the building. The proposed sign will be five feet tall, non- <br /> illuminated and in six inch white enamel letters will identify the <br /> building only as "Anthony Place, 28.55" . The architect said he had <br /> planned a small unobtrusive sign which relates to ,the materials in <br /> the building and doesn't compete with the building itself. He saw <br /> this type of signage as more aethestically pleasing than a sign on <br /> the building proper. All tenant identification will be within the <br /> building. Following a discussion of the City.'s preference for <br /> signage which meets its definition of a "monument, type" sign, Mr.. <br /> Schroeder agreed. to modify the-sign-plans to- provide. a foot tall <br /> timber .base into- which deciduous. plantings can. be made to fill the <br /> space between- the base -and bottom of the sign. <br /> Motion by Mr. Peterson and seconded- by. .Mr. Sopcinski to recommend <br /> Council. approval of- the variance for the free .standing •sign proposed <br /> for the �Anthony. Place building,. 2855 Anthony Lane South, with modi- <br /> fications agreed to .by Mr. Schroeder to--bring the -sign within the <br /> definition of a monument type sign and with no tenant identification <br /> on the sign or the building, finding that. the .sign, as modified, falls <br /> well. within the proposed guidelines set for signage in a Light <br /> Industrial district. <br /> • Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Bjorklund turned .the chair;,over to Mr. Jones..while, the Commission <br /> reconsidered the request for a' sign variance for .280 square feet of <br /> additional signage on the south side of- the Country Store, 2508 <br /> 38th Avenue N..E. , which they had recommended the . Council deny, - <br /> May The Council had tabled the matter May 27th., for further <br /> information from staff as to- how the proposed Red Owl. .signage would <br /> fit into - the signage proposed for the Sibley Catalog Showrooms in <br /> the same building. <br /> Mr. Berg confirmed that the Red Owl signage request had remained <br /> basically as it had been originally proposed except„for° a willingness <br /> on Red Owl' s part to coordinate the coloring- and- .striping planned by <br /> Sibley. In his August 15th .memorandum, the Administrative Assistant <br /> had told the Commission- of his. inability to get a commitment from. <br /> Sibley as to when the 450 total square footage of signage they had <br /> been granted by the City would be placed on the building and now <br /> that the company is- in bankruptcy proceedings, the President of <br /> the company had told him no -commitment could be made until November 1 <br /> at the earliest. He said their proposed sign. for the south -- side <br /> of the building was 5 feet X 18 feet, with striping. <br /> Bruce McKeever who is in the construction .department of Red Owl con- <br /> firmed his firm had experienced the same difficulty coordinating its <br /> signate with Sibley because of that company's bankruptcy proceedings . <br />
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