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PL MINUTES 08191980
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 08191980
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PL MINUTES 08191980
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-4- <br /> Mr.. Berg- replied to questions from the Commission members .by telling <br /> them. th'at, with the additional . signage, the Country Store will have <br /> 584 square feet of signage for the .38 ,000 square feet of space they <br /> occupy in the same building with Sibley who will have .450 square <br /> feet of signage for 50,000 square feet of space -to replace the <br /> temporary use of existing signage on the building. <br /> The Red Owl official wanted it noted that he had never .said "business <br /> is hurting" but . rather 'it is his- firm' s position_ that.,•. w th Montgomery <br /> Ward leaving the same shopping complex and now . the possibility of <br /> Sibley going out as well, the .Country Store . "does need .a sign *on the <br /> south side of the building just to let peopl.e .know .we .are there" . <br /> He believed the economic decline of „Apache,- since a former Red Owl <br /> official had told the City no further signage- would. be required for <br /> the Country Store, justified. a, reconsideration. However, he said <br /> he had no financial figures to support Red Owl's need for signage <br /> but was only following the "retail people' s” directions in seeking <br /> the sign variance. He said he "felt bad that Mr.:- Bjorklund had <br /> seen fit to' step down as chairman during the consideration" . <br /> Mr. Jonesexpressed the Commission' s desire to cooperate with Red <br /> Owl to maintairi .a viable economic operation at Apache but also his <br /> disbelief that not having..signage �on. the south ,had hurt business <br /> since the store- "is packed every time it 's open" . . He .said he would <br /> • personally prefer seeing signage on the west side .of. the building <br /> because "anyone driving west on 37th Avenue will be past the entrance <br /> to Apache before they see the sign on the south wall" . <br /> Mr. Enrooth wanted more specific data as to what. the. requested signage <br /> will mean economically to .Red Owl. <br /> Mrs. Makowske pointed out how the tastefully improved Red Owl store <br /> in St. Anthony shopping centerhad proved- to be- an. asset. to the . <br /> center but did not see how the proposed signage for., the .Country .Store <br /> "will enhance -the appearance of the . Country Store building or the <br /> business area" . She saw no substantial changes in. Red Owl 's request, <br /> except coordination of the striping and color, from- that which the <br /> Commission had recommended. be denied and believed. the City would set <br /> a bad precedent by permitting that much signage for-the space <br /> utilized .by Country Store.- Mr. Bjorklund said he opposes any. further <br /> signage for the Country Store since generous variances- have already <br /> been granted by the City for .the store, after long and thorough <br /> consideration. of its "landlocked siting" . He also. saw. a bad precedent <br /> being set for "giving in to harassment for more and .more signage" . <br /> He pointed out that sigriage' already agreed .to. for- that building is <br /> excessive as compared to the amount allowed by .ordinance and for <br /> other buildings that size and a- comprehensive signage plan should be <br /> developed for the whole building before consideration is given to <br /> any additional signage.. He saw the signage proposed as "only accentu- <br /> ating the loading dock area with its clutter" and agreed the big <br /> . loading semi 's would block the sign most of. the time. The Commission <br /> chairman lives within two. blocks of the Country Store and cited many <br />
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