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-5- <br /> instances where buildings -on 37th Avenue will obstruct the vision of <br /> drivers from the sign-, thereby. eliminating most .of the sign' s <br /> effectiveness for drawing 'in customers anticipated. by. Mr. McKeever, <br /> Mr. Bjorklund. did not believe the variance will "save or destroy <br /> the business" or that the Planning Commission should be held <br /> responsible for its viability. . <br /> Mr. Peterson disagreed with the other Commission. members ' assumptions <br /> about the need for the sign saying he saw "a real need -for a sign on <br /> the south side of the building because you can't read the sign on the <br /> north side from- 37th Avenue if you-.'re going west" . He suggested a <br /> more positive view be taken of the request rather than a "preoccupa- <br /> tion with the aethestics" . However, when Mr.. Sopcinski pointed out <br /> that the variance petition had not satisfied ,him. regarding the <br /> conditions set for granting such a variance , Mr. Peterson- agreed that <br /> this had not been done. <br /> At first, Mr. Enrooth and Mr. Bjorklund moved .that no recommendation <br /> be made to the Council regarding the request. because _circumstances <br /> had not changed enough to justify withdrawing their- denial recom- <br /> mendation, but at the urging of Mrs . Makowske, amended their motion <br /> as follows: <br /> Motion by Mr. Enrooth. and seconded by Mr. .Bjorklund. to recommend <br /> denial by the Council of the- request for a variance to the City <br /> ordinance requirements for 280 square feet of additional signage for <br /> • the Country Store. because..conditions Nos. 2 and. 3 ..for such a vari- <br /> ance have not been satisfactorily met in the opinion .of the Commission. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Bjorklund assumed the chair for- the consideration .of. the petition <br /> for a free standing sign variance for the proposed Kiwanis community <br /> bulletin board. Hobie Swan, 2.50.1 Lowry. Avenue N..E. , presented the <br /> Kiwanis Club proposal, that the site identified. as 2.9.10 Kenzie Terrace <br /> be acquired by the Kiwanis Club- for construction of a community <br /> bulletin board which will be dedicated to the City. of. St. Anthony <br /> and its residents on. behalf o f 'the Club. With the petition for, the <br /> sign variance, Mr. Swan had submitted. a statement describing the sign <br /> and outlining its purpose and the .extent of the .City' s participation <br /> once it is constructed by the - club.. According to. the proposal , <br /> the City will assume the administration and maintenance of the sign <br /> and will, . by an adopted policy, review beforehand, the messages to <br /> be put on the 64 square foot, double faced lexon panels ., . <br /> The Kiwanis representative gave' .the reasons the club had decided on <br /> this site which is at the intersection of Silver Lake Road, Kenzie <br /> Terrace and St. Anthony Boulevard rather than near Park View school <br /> or the "posey park" on Highway 88. He gave the history of the site <br /> which had been acquired by the State for an intersection plan which <br /> never materialized and the Department. of .Transportation had now <br /> • indicated a willingness to deed the land back to the City. <br />