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-9- . <br /> Richard Freiberg, proprietor,. of Dick!'s .S.tandard station, 3700 <br /> • Silver Lake. Road, discussed his. request- for a sign variance for a <br /> price sign to be hung below the .existing free standing "Standard" <br /> sign at his station. He promised to remove the two price signs . <br /> totalling 54 square feet of surface signage in exchange for the new <br /> price identification and it was estimated this would, result in only <br /> an increase of 6 square feet in the total signage for the establish- <br /> ment. - Mr. Enrooth commented that. all signage had been: ".grandfathered'? <br /> in" for the station when the new sign ordinance was adopted. It was <br /> also determined the 2 foot variance to allow a minimum clearance <br /> of 12 feet from grade will probably not be necessary when the <br /> concrete and stone berm is taken into consideration. The sign will <br /> be lit..only , when the station is open. Mr,. Freiberg anticipated <br /> having to move: the sign when that intersection. is..rebuilt by the <br /> county. <br /> Motion by Mr. Sopcinski and seconded by Mr. Enrooth- to recommend <br /> Council approval of the Petition for Sign Variance for the station <br /> at 3.700 Silver Lake Road contingent upon the replacement of all <br /> existing price signs with one two-sided 5 X 6. foot price sign <br /> located on the existing free standing . "Standard" sign. No considera- <br /> tion regarding the height of the sign is considered necessary as. <br /> the existing sign is on a rise berm providing the required 12 <br /> foot clearance. -':.The Planning Commission. finds the granting of this <br /> variance (a) may contribute to the aesthetics of that corner by <br /> reducing the various signage scattered around the station, and (b) <br /> will allow equality in product price signage for Standard. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The shopping center manager had remained to discuss further the use <br /> of the building on the property at 2550 . Kenzie Terrace for a <br /> reupholstery shop.- She said a five year lease is being negotiated <br /> with Frank' s Upholstery. who was formerly on Central.. Avenue. She <br /> reiterated that she had a crew hired for Saturday to. clean up the <br /> whole area along Kenzie Terrace and she said she was sure. the suggested <br /> maximum of 4.0 square feet for signage would be more than adequate. <br /> Motion by Mr. Sopcinski and seconded by Mr . Enrooth,. as an aid to <br /> promoting the St. Anthony Village Shopping Center area and . as an <br /> added business incentive, the Planning Commission recommends the <br /> Council approve the legally non-conforming- usage of the property at <br /> 2550 Kenzie .Terrace for an upholstery. shop on the following conditions : <br /> (1) No parking of trucks or employee vehicles will.. be permitted in <br /> front of the building. <br /> (2) Fire safety inspections must be performed to the satisfactionrof <br /> City staff. <br /> (3) A general exterior clean up and maintenance program for the <br /> area be implemented. <br /> (4) . Signage will be limited to 40 square feet. <br /> Motion carried- unanimously. <br />