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r <br /> 1 : o <br /> • l . —8 <br /> Ms.. Tetzon had. remained :to speak..for the St. Anthony Village Shopping <br /> Center, Inc. request fora sign. variance to the City's Sign Ordin- <br /> • ance which will allow the continued use by that firm .of the 64 <br /> square foot "For Lease" . sign attached to the existing center <br /> identification free standing sign. The sign. is one-half the size. <br /> permitted by the City ordinance and. the staff had recommended <br /> approval because of the size. of. the _commercial area the sign <br /> identifies and the depressed condition. of -the center. Mr. Berg <br /> had suggested a temporary variance .might be allowed.. Mr. . Saliterman's <br /> secretary said she believes the sign had brought in three new tenants <br /> for the center, which with the former Sandy' s building leaves only <br /> five vacancies in the center to be filled. She . is also dealing with <br /> two major prospects for tenants for the space once occupied by <br /> Snyder ' s Rexall. Mr. Sopcinski was concerned that the statement <br /> attached to the petition by the proposer meant the sign would be put <br /> back every time there is a vacancy* in the center.. Mr. Bowerman <br /> cautioned that "the Commission could be treading on dangerous ground <br /> by permitting this landlord such a sign fearing the tenants would <br /> believe they had a right to the same signage" . He thought the <br /> landlord could advertize the availability of a store omits door or <br /> windows since he already has a major identification of the center. <br /> Mr. Peterson saw the need for the sign because of. the depressed <br /> condition of the area but. favored putting a limit of .three to six <br /> months on the use of the sign each time. Mr. Jones felt the shop- <br /> ping center. should contact the sign company who had put up a sign <br /> which.-,.did not conform to the City ordinance. He wanted her to <br /> understand the Committee doesn 't want to. suppress development but <br /> wants to work with the center management to solve a mutual problem <br /> with the..-:aesthetics for the whole area. Mr. Enrooth pointed out <br /> that all the landlord had to do was remove- one side of the sign and <br /> switch the remaining sign around from side to, side to bring it <br /> into compliance with City requirements. <br /> Motion by Mr. Jones and seconded by Mr. Bowerman to recommend Council <br /> denial of the request from St. . Anthony Village Shopping Center, <br /> Inc. to retain the 64 square foot sign advertising "For Lease" , <br /> finding that an .adequate size sign can be constructed to conform to <br /> the City ordinance which will also allow the shopping center adequate <br /> exposure. Before voting, the- Chairman said he had .to favor denial <br /> because of the intensity of feeling of the people who have spoken to <br /> him regarding the rundown condition of the shopping center and the <br /> landlord's apparent indifference. Mr. Saliterman' s* se.cretary 'told <br /> him the center owner is 74 years old and it is very difficult for <br /> him to attend. meetings which .run late into .the evening. <br /> Voting aye: Jones , Bowerman., Enrooth, Bjorklund and Makowske. <br /> Voting- nay: Peterson. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Voting on the motion of denial: . <br /> Aye: Jones, Bowerman, Enrooth, Bjorklund and Makowske. <br /> Nay: Peterson. <br /> Motion of denial carried. <br />