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PL MINUTES 10211980
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 10211980
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PL MINUTES 10211980
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• -3- <br /> eyesore and location. of many -fires and drug busts in the past" . <br /> They reiterated that '.'You could wait forever for the PUD" . Join- <br /> ing them in their expressions of approval were Bruce Kattelstad, <br /> 2604 31st Avenue N.E. , a self-employed carpenter-contractor who <br /> insisted the structure could be easily- remodeled to meet all state <br /> barber shop .codes and James .Trait, a 25 year: resident who lives on <br /> Highway 88 who said there is a residence on County Road D which has <br /> been made over for a barber shop. They. were both customers . of <br /> Mr. Morris in his New Brighton location. <br /> Also speaking for the proposal were Mary Ann Burmis, 4044 6th <br /> Avenue N.E. , Columbia Heights and T. F. and April Peterson 3244 <br /> 89th Drive, Blaine, who felt the City should "do something with the <br /> property to add to the tax revenues" . <br /> Kenneth Lee who plans to build a home for- himself on the abutting <br /> property to the east of the subject dwelling, related the troubled <br /> history of the Hedlund property and the surrounding area including <br /> the Twin City Federal location. He was in favor of the proposed <br /> project which he saw .as "providing a residential profile for the <br /> undeveloped lots" as well as producing no annoyance for the neighbors <br /> in the forms of heavy traffic or parking,. noise, odors , etc.. He <br /> said he would "rather live next to this well landscaped project <br /> than to have the property revert to miscellaneous tenancies with <br /> serious fires and drugs on the premises" . When questioned about <br /> whether Mr. Morris should attest in writing to his improvement <br /> • plans, he said he hoped Mr. Morris "would fulfill his promises but <br /> didn' t think. he should be legally held to them" . <br /> Marland Johnson, 4008 Penrod Lane, who is one of the new residents <br /> on that street, said he is "in favor of the project from what he <br /> sees of it, believing the concept conforms to the PUD requirements" . <br /> He later got, from Mr. Morris , a commitment that he would be willing <br /> to put .into writing all the improvements he had promised. <br /> Speaking in opposition to the proposal was Delano J. Martinson, <br /> 1830 29th Avenue N.W. , New Brighton, an- Apache Sty.list�:.barber, who <br /> believed the house could not be remodeled for a barber shop due <br /> to its residential nature and lack of available. parking. However, <br /> he could provide no statistics for his claim when questioned by <br /> Mr. Sopcinski. <br /> Ruth Thompson, 3015 39th Avenue N.E. and Ruth Nelson, 3916 Macalaster <br /> Drive, said their opposition to the. proposal was only because it <br /> was not part of a specific plan for the rest of the undeveloped- <br /> property. They told of the- years they have fought to keep this <br /> property from being developed for "a hodgepodge of businesses under <br /> strip zoning" including joining legal action against Mr. Lee who <br /> had said he at one time owned all . the land around the subject property <br /> but has no monetary interest in any of the Hedlund property any <br /> longer. They also told of the many proposals which, after hours and <br /> hours of meetings 'and City time spent on. them have never materialized. <br /> Mrs. Nelson said she thought the latest, the townhouse development, <br /> for which the land was rezoned "was far superior to the PUD itself" , <br /> and she insisted the City ' s share of tax revenue from commercial is <br /> minimal. <br />
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