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PL MINUTES 10211980
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 10211980
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12/30/2015 6:19:32 PM
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12/30/2015 6:19:29 PM
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PL MINUTES 10211980
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-- -2= <br /> development for the northern portion had indicated he- was no longer <br /> • interested in such a development and the City had, to date, received <br /> no firm commitment from another developer for developing those lots <br /> under their R-3-, multiple dwelling zoning. No one present at the <br /> meeting rose to submit a schedule for developing the land following <br /> Mr. Bjorklund's invitation to do so. <br /> Chairman Bjorklund said he would "hate to- see a recommendation not <br /> contingent upon development of the rest of the site" . Mr. Jones <br /> disagreed, saying the PUD provides for staging and the proposal <br /> should be looked at on its own merits. He saw the Morris proposal <br /> as providing an excellent buffer between residential and commercial, <br /> the requirement for "B" before "C." use, a good blending with the <br /> Cadwalder office and adequate. parking. He believed. the Commission <br /> had to be realistic regarding economic conditions, with 200 <br /> interest rates, and wasn't surprised Mr.. Hedlund did not have a <br /> specific developer for the rest of his property. Mr. Sopcinski <br /> questioned whether..this developed lot had ever been included in <br /> previous proposals and said even the plans for the three commercial <br /> buildings left this building to be remodeled. Mr. Berg reported <br /> that this site had at one time been proposed as a community build- <br /> ing for the Ames townhouse project, . but was subsequently eliminated. <br /> Mr. Sopcinski believed the Commission had an obligation to uphold <br /> the PUD or "provide a betterment of. it" and said the Council, at <br /> their last meeting, had indicated opposition to "piecemealing the <br /> site" . <br /> Mr. Enrooth speculated the City Attorney had essentially said "the <br /> City could go either way on the decision" . The Chairman believed <br /> the Council was seeking the Commission 's own input and "doesn 't <br /> direct Commission's actions" . <br /> Craig Morris, "the prospective tenant-owner of the property" <br /> estimated he will put $50,000 , in addition to the $75,000 purchase <br /> price, towards upgrading the site with the neighbors property in <br /> mind in regard to buffering, landscaping, etc. which "will make it <br /> an asset instead of an eyesore for the community" . He read a letter <br /> of endorsement from State Representative Steve Novak and said his <br /> employees were out with a petition seeking names of City. residents <br /> who approve of his proposal. They had 217 such names at 6 :00 P.M. <br /> and he was confident they would have 500 before they were through <br /> and which they planned to present at the Council meeting next week. <br /> Mr. Morris also gave Mr. Berg a copy of an agreement with Mr. Hedlund <br /> providing for his temporary use of the signage allocation until it <br /> is necessary to identify whatever goes in north of him. <br /> Councilman Marks arrived at 8: 10 P.M. but remained only as an <br /> observer. <br /> The petitioner's father, Frank Morris, 3350 92nd Curve N.E. , read <br /> the petition for which signatureswere being sought and he and <br /> another son, Vernon Morris. also of Cambridge, Minnesota, spoke <br /> several times in defense of .the proposal, emphasizing that the <br /> barber shop would be "an attractive alternative to what has been an <br />
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