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PL MINUTES 11181980
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11181980
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PL MINUTES 11181980
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t� �s <br /> if necessary, but did not see the assumption that obscene materials <br /> • will be sold as a valid. reason for denial of the amendment. He and <br /> Mr. Enrooth .wanted specific reasons for denial attached, as in the <br /> past, to any negative recommendation. <br /> Jean Paron., 3133 Silver Lake Road, a substitute teacher at Wilshire <br /> school and the mother of two small children., said she likes to take <br /> her children to shop at Apache but is concerned "what type of people <br /> will be drawn to this store for the catalog sales of x-rated <br /> materials" . She wanted the store closed until a decision is made on <br /> the obscenity ordinance. <br /> Gary Wilmar, 2700 North Oxford Street-, said as the principal of <br /> St. Charles Elementary School, he is concerned how minors will be <br /> prevented from viewing the obscene .films and believed "the environment <br /> of Apache should reflect that of the community" . He said he was <br /> unable-to answer Mrs. Olson' s concerns about the public school but <br /> "felt the school officials might be concerned if a teacher were to <br /> use this type of materials in a classroom" . <br /> Wallace Rogers, 3408 Downers Drive, said- he had visited the store in <br /> Apache and been told he could get "anything he wanted" . He said he <br /> witnessed 13 year olds watching the films.. He assumed that if the <br /> Commission represents- the community "you must certainly be against <br /> such an operation" . He didn' t believe they "should be bound by any <br /> legal opinion to pass an amendment which will not be in the interest <br /> of the community" . He replied to the Chairman's question by saying <br /> • he would be willing, as a taxpayer, toaccept the expenditure of tax <br /> monies to support a decision of denial of the amendment. <br /> Mr. Dubay added that he believed "this type of operation will lower <br /> the property values in St. Anthony" and he "doesn 't care. whether the <br /> State or Minneapolis follows our example in denying the operation" . <br /> He then commented that he didn' t see such stores in Edina or other <br /> communities of that type. <br /> David Debbins , 3630 Benjamin Street N.E. , cited two major, violent <br /> crimes involving Roseville residents which were "directly associated <br /> with video tapes" and believed there is a definite potential for <br /> incitement of crimes against persons in the proposed catalog sales. <br /> He theorized that the City might lose tax revenues of merchants were <br /> forced from Apache by a boycott. <br /> Albert Haik, 2916 Hilldale Avenue N.E. , was opposed to the Conditional <br /> Use permit for this type of operation. <br /> John Dubay, Elie. Dubay ' s son,who lives at home, said he has witnessed <br /> the .influence such pornographic materials have on young men he works <br /> with in a sheet metal shop. He said he quit one such job when he <br /> became "sick of hearing nothing but sex, sex, sex, all day" . He <br /> was also convinced there is a direct association with the use of <br /> marijuana by such youths. <br /> • <br />
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