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PL MINUTES 11181980
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11181980
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PL MINUTES 11181980
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-5- <br /> Mary Ann McNeil, 3500 31st Avenue N.E.., told the Commission she <br /> strongly opposes the amendment and asked whether a .petition by the <br /> • residents would be in order_. . She was advised by the Chairman that <br /> the more input from taxpayers, the City officials get, the better <br /> able they are to make decisions. <br /> Paul Gabler, 2921 Hilldale .Avenue N.E. promised "his family won't <br /> spend another penny. in Apache and I ' ll lobby all my friends and <br /> relatives not to go there either .as longus the store is there". <br /> The meeting was recessed at 8 :50 P.M. and resumed at .9 : 00 P.M. when <br /> Elie Dubay noted "not a person present had spoken in, favor of the <br /> amendment" . It was then agreed that the Commission recommendations <br /> would be made during the Council ' s December 9th, rather than the <br /> November 20th meeting, because of the difficulty of getting the <br /> minutes out in one day. <br /> The hearing was closed at 9 : 05 P.M. <br /> Mrs. Makowske asked whether staff had determined whether the owner <br /> of the store in Apache owns other shops of a. similar nature. Mr. Berg <br /> stated he was not aware of any. The Chairman also wanted the staff <br /> to research the question of. how such stores are working out in other <br /> communities, believing there were many unanswered questions on <br /> whether such operations increase vacancies in the .shopping centers <br /> in which they are located; increase the criminal elements in these <br /> • areas;. cause a decline in either the. quality of life of those <br /> neighborhoods or of tax revenues for the municipalities as well as <br /> whether the contention that obscene materials is not approved by the <br /> First _ Amendment is valid. <br /> Mr. Jones questioned why a use not permitted in the City Zoning <br /> Ordinance has been allowed to continue, believing there is a re- <br /> curring problem of businesses ignorning the City' s statutes. He <br /> believed the City staff "has to take a tough stand and that police <br /> should close down on the offending business until the Council has <br /> made a decision on the amendment" . Mr'. Berg said, that normally, <br /> depending on the situation, the City's practice has been to allow <br /> a business 30 days to vacate after a letter is written by the City <br /> Attorney demanding such vacation. <br /> Mr. Sopcinski said the legal advisory had convinced him that the <br /> City is not allowed to deny the sale of video tapes , recordings, etc. , <br /> but the law doesn 't specify what controls youmay have over- the <br /> materials . He favored allowing "video tape sales and rentals" as <br /> a Conditional Use with an investigation to follow of areas of control <br /> possible for the types of materials associated with this operation, <br /> which could be a lengthy process , but the City would not be denying <br /> all video sales and rentals . <br /> Mr.. Jones pointed out that in the case of the print shop, "the Council <br /> did not. deny the print shop but just didn't modify the ordinance to <br /> • include it as a use in a residential district" . Mrs. Makowske <br /> ti <br />
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