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-7- <br /> agreed that formal consideration will be delayed. .until the January <br /> meeting and that the first discussion should be- limited to the basic <br /> outline of the ordinance with specific items. to be taken individually <br /> during later meetings . <br /> The Chairman urged the Commission to make their personal decisions <br /> as to whether they want to continue their service on. the Commission <br /> next year since- reappointments will be made by the Council in <br /> January. <br /> Mrs . Makowske complimented Mr. Bjorklund for-,.the fine job he has <br /> done in the past year as Chairman. <br /> He .(.the Chairman) also wondered.. whether they were in' favor of the <br /> Chair taking measures to shorten the meetings, acknowledging at <br /> the same time, the importance of not losing important input from <br /> residents and members. Several Commission members agreed that citizen <br /> input had, on_ several occasions, altered the preconceived opinions <br /> they had regarding' proposals . considered in the past.. Mr. Sopcinski <br /> believed the members themselves could exert some control over the <br /> flows of conversation between themselves in many instances . <br /> Members will indicate to Mr. Berg by Wednesday, November 26th, <br /> their interest in attending the planning seminars to be held <br /> December 12th and 13th. <br /> • Motion by Mr. Enrooth and seconded by Mr. Sopcinski to adjourn the <br /> meeting at 10: 10 P.M. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Helen Crowe <br />