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-6- <br /> believed the fact the proponents were not present to- answer questions <br /> • "should. be weighed heavily in a-decision as should the question of <br /> whether the owner of the store. is at all interested in the community" . <br /> Mr. Berg told .her he had spoken to the owner and advised him the <br /> normal- procedure.-would be to .have- him file a petition for a Condi- <br /> tional Use permit for the operation as soon as the amendment is passed. <br /> Chairman Bjorklund saw too many unanswered questions for a recom- <br /> mendation. of approval.: of the amendment but. Mr. Sopcinski believed the <br /> only basic question involved "whether to permit *the, sale and rental <br /> of video tapes as a Conditional. Use under the ordinance" . He was <br /> concerned denying the amendment would prevent the distribution of many <br /> beneficial types of video tapes to the community- and cited instances <br /> such as school and business use of this media. He favored modifica- <br /> tion of the ordinance with restrictions -as to the type of materials <br /> to be distributed to be addressed by the Council and. the business <br /> community. <br /> Mr. Enrooth believed denial .would be "unfair restriction of trade" <br /> and wanted reasons for not recommending approval to be included with <br /> any motion. <br /> Motion by Mr. Jones and seconded by Mr. Peterson to recommend the <br /> Council. take no action on modification of the City Zoning Ordinance <br /> as presented, finding- that, there was significant public opposition <br /> to the "video tape sales and rental stores" . No proponent appeared <br /> in support of this proposal, and, for the Commission to act on this <br /> • proposal would require significant additional information. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Motion by Chairman Bjorklund and seconded by Mr. Sopcinski to commend <br /> Helen Crowe for the job she did on condensing and assembling the <br /> twelve pages -of minutes generated. by the October 21st Commission <br /> meeting. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Sopcinski expressed his concern that the Council had not followed <br /> the Commission's recommendation .of denial of the Allguire variance <br /> request since by the applicant's own admission the need for a <br /> variance had resulted from her own errors in remodeling an already <br /> habitable residence. He believed the. Commission had tried to be <br /> consistent in their deliberations and decisions regarding such <br /> variances and their effect on the neighborhood and was only follow- <br /> ing. staff' s concern over the "number of front yard variances being <br /> granted" . He felt the Commission' s "efforts to be- part of the-team <br /> with the Council and staff might been eroded" . Mr. Peterson agreed <br /> with these assumptions. ----- -- - <br /> Mr. Berg advised the Commission that, as in the past, there would be <br /> a special .Commission hearing called soon, to decide on the Community <br /> __- _ _- Dev_elopment Block Grant funds designations. <br /> • He then distributed- copies of the proposed Sign Ordinance which he <br /> .said were complete with the exception of .two or three pages address- <br /> ing a comprehensive sign policy for the commercial district and a <br /> small. portion dealing with signs in a "C" district. The missing <br /> material will be sent to the Commission members this week. It was <br />