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PL MINUTES 12161980
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 12161980
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PL MINUTES 12161980
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_2_ <br /> placed on the existing blue background and depending on Apache 's <br /> policy, hopes the sign can be lit until midnight. He also stated <br /> the Furniture. Barn management had indicated to him they did not <br /> • desire south facing signage. He also stated he had presented two <br /> sign. plans to .the management and they had preferred the one line <br /> - - sign. The alternate proposal was for stacked wording, i .e. ; Furni- <br /> ture above, Barn below, with no increase in square footage. <br /> During the: Commission' s discussion on the matter, the members were <br /> in general agreement that the stacked word sign would be preferable <br /> to the one 'line proposal in that it would allow more space for the <br /> signage of the other potential stores in that area. Mr. Feneis <br /> thought the stacked type sign would probably be acceptable to the <br /> Furniture Barn management and that he would present that plan .and <br /> know for sure before the City Council 's December 23rd meeting. <br /> Motion by Mr. Jones and seconded by Mr. Sopcinski that the St. <br /> Anthony Planning Commission recommends to the Council to grant a <br /> variance of 41 square feet of signage to Furniture Barn which <br /> signage is to be placed on the easterly facing side of Apache Plaza <br /> and is for the alternate stacked sign per exhibit A signed by the <br /> Chairman. This variance is conditional on the written acceptance <br /> by the. C. G. Rein Co. of this proposed signage and that it meets <br /> their sign criteria for- this area of Apache Plaza. It is under- <br /> stood that the proposed stacked wording sign proposed by Furniture <br /> Barn will be. placed directly above the southerly most entrance on <br /> the east side of the building. The granting of this variance is <br /> based on the nature of the Furniture Barn 's business, that is , one <br /> ® stop shopping.. The Planning Commission- finds that the granting of <br /> the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or <br /> injurious to other property in the neighborhood or village; that <br /> denying the request would result in a hardship to the tenant and <br /> .that the situation here is unique in that the major tenant with a <br /> large amount of floor area 'has no outside frontage. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Commission also directed staff to contact the C. G. Rein Co. <br /> to determine their sign policy- and/or their interest in developing <br /> a comprehensive sign plan for the store. <br /> For the next item of business, Mr. Berg explained that the -temporary. , <br /> variance - and sign permit for the .signage at the Slumberland Store <br /> will be expiring the 31st of December. He stated staff had contacted <br /> the management and they are requesting another year 's extension on <br /> the 25 square foot variance for the 180 square foot sign. Staff , <br /> in its December 11th memo, recommended approval of the extension <br /> request based on the reasons given in 1979; that the sign had <br /> apparently aided their business (as stated in Slumberland' s request) <br /> and because of the impending study of the area by the City. <br /> During the Commission' s discussions on this subject, it was noted <br /> the previous year' s recommendation was based in part on the <br /> • management' s stated interest in developing a comprehensive sign <br /> plan for the Center. Mr. Berg stated that Mr. Ravelson, the sign <br /> consultant for Slumberland and also the consultant with whom the . <br />
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