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PL MINUTES 03151983
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 03151983
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PL MINUTES 03151983
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-4- <br /> joint participants with Kraus-Anderson .in the redevelopment project, <br /> \ presented the preliminary plans which Mr. Tushie . indicated had been <br /> 1 redrawn to reflect modifications .requested by the- H.R.A. The archi- <br /> tect showed the new drawings of the 134 unit market rate senior housing <br /> structure for Phase 1 which had been set back .on the property so the <br /> backside of the building would be. all backyard. He discussed all the <br /> amenities which would be .offered, as well as the parking, landscaping, <br /> trash disposal., and the definingof the building entrance by combining <br /> it with a bus shelter motif. <br /> Mr. Tushie pointed to the realigning of the .driveways on both sides <br /> of the project and told the .Commissioners that the strip of residential <br /> properties along Kenzie Terrace had been eliminated in Phase 3 because <br /> the H.R.A. was reluctant to acquire these properties at this time. <br /> He also told the Commissioners the pool..and saunas had been replaced <br /> by a children' s playground area at the H .R.A. request, which decision, <br /> Mr. Childs said, could be reversed if the market for empty nesters <br /> without children should prevail .for that phase. <br /> Housing in Phase 1 would include 115 one-bedroom units; 11 large one- <br /> bedroom -units; 14 one-bedroom plus den units; and two two-bedroom <br /> units , but Mr. Yurick indicated these sizes could be easily changed <br /> to meet the market demands . The developer estimates the units would <br /> be sold for between $50 ,000 and the high 701s . Construction should <br /> start next fall, he said. If all conditions are ideal , he continued, <br /> Phase 2 would be initiated in the fall of 1984 and would include a <br /> 202 funded senior building with . 15 efficiencies and 39 one-bedroom <br /> units with the size of these. units set by .H.U,.D. and a second build- <br /> ing, a condominium with 41. one-bedroom units, 36 one-bedroom units <br /> with a den, and 26 two-bedroom units,. to be marketed between the mid- <br /> 60 ' s and the low 90 ' s . The two market rate condominium buildings <br /> proposed for Phase 3-would provide a . total of 34 one-bedroom units; <br /> 72 one-bedroom units with den.; and 48 two-bedroom units with the costs <br /> estimated to be between 10 and 15 percent higher than matching .units <br /> in Phase 2 . <br /> The developers indicated they believe they would find buyers for all <br /> the units in the first two phases within the same geographic area as <br /> St. Anthony and anticipates it may .not be difficult to sell the Phase 3 <br /> units outside the immediate area because of the desirability of the <br /> St. Anthony community. <br /> Mr. Tushie indicated he had someof the same concerns expressed by <br /> Mrs. Franzese about providing safety and privacy for the children' s <br /> playground which is planned next to the 202 funded building. He <br /> perceives it would be advantageous for the elderly in that building <br /> to be able to watch the children plan and to observethe outdoor <br /> activities of other residents younger than themselves . Mrs. Franzese <br /> told the architect she anticipates there would be a greater demand for <br /> two bedroom units from the type of persons expected to buy into this <br /> project because most of them -are coming from large single family <br /> dwellings. <br /> I • Mr. Bjorklund indicated he liked the libraries and two elevators in <br /> 1 the first building as well as the fact that the trash would be handled <br />
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