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PL MINUTES 03151983
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 03151983
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PL MINUTES 03151983
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-5- <br /> in the garage. He' said.. if the building is only 36 feet high and <br /> casts the same =shadow, that is almost the same as what was accepted <br /> by the City for the first proposal for this property. Mr. Tushie <br /> explained that the developers had not wanted to cut into the existing <br /> � - terrain and had therefore not included another entrance to the under- <br /> ground parking in the plans . He also said the plan would retain the <br /> existing trees to the rear of the property -and calls for other trees <br /> and plantings to provide further screening for the adjoining residences . <br /> Mr. Yurick told Mr. Bjorklund the one-bedroom condominium units would <br /> be approximately 700 square feet, . which is probably a little bigger <br /> than usual. He said an educational process is necessary to make <br /> people realize the smaller size is dictated by cost. <br /> When Mr. Bjorklund. indicated he was pleased to see sidewalks provided, <br /> Mr. Tushie told him the developers would like to see them extended to <br /> St. Charles . Mr. Childs commented that it would be almost mandatory <br /> that sidewalks be provided on,-the north side of Kenzie Terrace to the <br /> St. Anthony National Bank. <br /> Mr. Bowerman was impressed with the . "superior parking plans" which he <br /> perceives would be both functional and aesthetic. Mr. Tushie pointed <br /> out that there were very few places where snow could collect since <br /> most parking is underground, . so snow removal should be no problem. <br /> He told the Chair the parking ratio for Phase 1 would be . 77 per <br /> unit where most similar projects run from . 25 to . 75 and in Phase 2 <br /> the ration would be 1. 75. The need for more parking would become <br /> evident during the marketing process, he added. <br /> Jerry Kelly, a St. Anthony Center merchant, was concerned with how <br /> fast the rentals in his area would- be raised. <br /> Marland Johnson, 4008 Penrod Lane , said any question he might have <br /> had was answered in the developer ' s presentation. <br /> Mr. Yurick told Mr. Bowerman he would anticipate there would be an <br /> outside management firm retained initially by the-homeowners- association <br /> and he has further noticed there are few of such associations that <br /> care to take on the management themselves. <br /> Motion by Mr. Bjorklund and seconded by Mr. Bowerman to indicate to <br /> the H.R.A. that the Planning Commission finds the redevelopment plan <br /> for Phase 1 of the Kenzie Terrace Redevelopment Project as proposed, <br /> to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City of St. Anthony <br /> as identified in Alternative C of the Kenzie Terrace Redevelopment <br /> Plan, that the density, type of use, impact on the community, and other <br /> factors are addressed specifically in the proposal, and, furthermore, <br /> there had been adequate input from staff, Planning Commission and the <br /> public related to the plan' s conformance to the City ' s Comprehensive <br /> Plan. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> .® Motion by Mr. - Bjorklund and seconded by Mr. Zawislak to indicate to <br /> the H. R.A. that the Planning Commission, finding that the preliminary <br />
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