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PL MINUTES 05171983
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 05171983
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PL MINUTES 05171983
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-3- <br /> required <br /> 3-required to replace the Burger Chef :identification with that of the new . <br /> franchise which would necessitate removing the chef 's hat in the sign, <br /> • thereby shortening the sign by two feet.. The Manager said he had <br /> brought the matter to the- Commission to see if they concurred that the <br /> change could be interpreted. to. be only a copy change and would not <br /> : require a new variance for that non-conforming sign. <br /> Mr. and Mrs..: . Johnson. were present and had submitted detailed drawings <br /> of the word .changes for the sign which would now" be only approximately <br /> four and a half feet tall, not counting the pole on which it is mounted <br /> on the roof . <br /> Commissioner. Jones indicated he -lives close to,)the restaurant and per- <br /> ceives - the Johnsons have been good neighbors, because they have kept <br /> the property and the grounds up .so well. He. believed there should be <br /> no variance required because there had been no change in ownership <br /> and the only change in the -sign itself .had been ,to make it smaller. <br /> Motion by Commissioner. Jones and seconded by Commissioner Bjorklund <br /> to indicate the Planning Commission .concurs with -the City Manager that <br /> the change in signage for the new Har.dees restaurant at 4004 Silver <br /> Lake Road should be interpreted to be no more than assign copy change <br /> and should not require a new variance to. be granted because : <br /> (1) Although it has a new name , the restaurant would have the same <br /> owner and franchisee. <br /> (2) The business would .be similar. to what it had been. <br /> (3) The new sign would require less square footage than for which the <br /> original variance was granted.. <br /> (4) The owner and franchisee had no. control over the change in signage <br /> since it was required by the new- parent company. <br /> (5) The lighting of the sign. would not .be intensified and there would <br /> be no "bells or whistles". involved in the change . <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr . Childs then reported another business , Firestone, which is -in the <br /> same area had approached him regarding the redesigning of their existing <br /> signage but had returned to the drawing board when he had told them <br /> they could not increase the square footage without a variance. <br /> When the Chair inquired about the letter of opposition which the Com- <br /> mission had requested be sent regarding the legislation which would <br /> have set requirements for granting. variances and conditional use <br /> permits which would have been difficult to administer,. the Manager told <br /> her the legislation was changed, making the letter unnecessary . He- also <br /> reported his secretary has -set up the system of -recording all -the <br /> variances which were granted in 1981 and 1982 as well as all 1983 trans- <br /> actions . She will tackle the job .of recording all the variances granted <br /> • prior to 1981 next, which he said would be very difficult since no <br /> formal system has been followed in the past. <br />
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