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PL MINUTES 08161983
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 08161983
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PL MINUTES 08161983
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-3- <br /> building constructed with donated labor would meet all state and <br /> • city codes and '.standards . <br /> Commissioner Bjorklund then questioned whether the same method of <br /> calculation had been applied to reach the $750.,000 cost estimated for <br /> the future sanctuary addition on the north which he said he would <br /> expect would cost $101 per foot for the same size addition as on the <br /> south. Mr. Jones told -him he was also .surprised when the architect <br /> had quoted those figures to :him, but believed the difference could be <br /> accounted for because the two additions would not be alike at all <br /> since the addition on the south would resemble a single family con- <br /> struction and on the other hand, the sanctuary would require laminated <br /> beams , stained glass windows and a lot more brick and stone work. The <br /> $750 , 000 represented a finished, much larger addition, where the <br /> contractor' s estimate for the current proposal, which the architect <br /> had said could run between $200., 000 and .$225 ,000., but not $300,000 , <br /> represented the builder's . costs for roughing -the structure in and <br /> permitting the church members to do all the painting and tile instal- <br /> lation. He added that the church could not afford the more expensive <br /> addition at this time. <br /> An Elmwood deacon, Martin Gavin, 141 Hartman Circle, cited the fact <br /> that the church had traded the property where the Esau home is now <br /> for the property . to the north with the .Billman Construction Company <br /> and perceived this proposal as a continuation of the "give and take" <br /> process . He said he is a plumbing inspector -for the City of Minneapolis <br /> and would supply much of the plumbing labor and materials and another <br /> • church member who is a builder has indicated he would. provide the <br /> materials at cost. Mr. Gavin therefore -indicated he believed a cost <br /> of between $150,000 and $200, 000 would not be unrealistic for the <br /> southern expansion. In response to the claim that the properties to <br /> the south of the church would be harmed by the addition, Mr. Gavin <br /> said those homes already have a .buffer of a large cottonwood tree and <br /> two evergreens to shield their view, as illustrated. in the pictures <br /> taken by another parishioner, Dennis Olson, 3117 Rankin Road, which <br /> were passed around for the Commission and staff to see . The plumbing <br /> inspector also stated all water and sewer service was in the south end <br /> of the building and it would be very expensive to build the kitchen <br /> or restrooms on the north side. <br /> When Commissioner Bjorklund inquired why the church didn' t just add <br /> more church services as other Lutheran churches do, if they are needed, <br /> Mr. - Gavin told him the_ "Elmwood church philosophy is family oriented <br /> and the Sunday school classes are held so the children and parents <br /> can attend the church services as a family. He said there would be <br /> another service added this month to follow the Sunday school which <br /> would give the families a choice of services to attend, but, adding <br /> another service would not solve the .lack of class space. The deacon <br /> admitted that up to three years ago, there had been only 20 - 30 <br /> Elmwoodparishioners attending regularly , but said that number .had <br /> grown to over 350 , plus children, a figure the pastor corrected to <br /> "closer to 200" . <br /> • Mr. Olson indicated he was one of the first members of the congregation <br /> and said, "The Lord '.answered our prayers for more .members abundantly <br /> by providing more than we would handle" in the existing facility. <br />
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