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PL MINUTES 08161983
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 08161983
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PL MINUTES 08161983
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4- <br /> The minister told the .Chair he was certain the building committee <br /> would be amenable to providing opaque windows for the Sunday school <br /> rooms because that would prevent the children from being distracted <br /> during class . <br /> Commissioner .Bowerman indicated he was having trouble .making a decision <br /> on the proposal without seeing what actual elevations, exterior <br /> finish and roof line would be provided. - Mr. Jones said he was sorry <br /> he had not brought the elevation drawings which he had presented at . <br /> the July 19th meeting, back to this hearing , but assured the Commis- <br /> sioner that the building would be designed to match the fascia and <br /> roof line of the existing building as closely as possible. The <br /> elevation of the building above grade, he said, would be 24 feet 8 inches . <br /> Gundrun. Hodenfield, 1401 Mooney. Drive; Mary Jane Johnson, 3132 Silver <br /> Lake Road; and Paul Stewart, 3085 Old Highway 8, indicated they would <br /> be in favor of granting the permit but chose not to speak further to <br /> the issue at that time . <br /> Donald Esau., 3505 —36th Avenue N.E. , read his prepared statement in <br /> which he reiterated his own and his neighbors ' objections to the <br /> construction of the addition on the south side of the existing build- <br /> ing and requested the City not compound what he perceives to be the <br /> original error in permitting the church to construct the existing <br /> building perpendicular to the adjoining homes on the south and only <br /> 15 feet from the lot line on that side at the same time the elevations <br /> • of the church property were elevated approximately eight feet above <br /> the residential lots adjacent to it. `He contended the proponents <br /> could not accurately indicate on the application form that the proposed <br /> addition would not be "detrimental to the health, safety, and general <br /> welfare" of at least two of the neighbors since he believes both he and <br /> the Antczaks would suffer decreased property values as a result of the <br /> addition and a personal loss to his family of the benefits of the new <br /> familyroom and deck he had added to the back of- his home not fore- <br /> seeing an addition would be made to the existing church building . <br /> Mr. Esau then indicated he saw no relevance in the tradeoff of property <br /> 20 years ago to the current proposal and told the Commission members <br /> he has always considered th'e cottonwood tree on the church property <br /> to be a real nuisance- and had intended asking that it be cut down. <br /> Commissioner Bowerman told Mr. Esau having homes in the City built <br /> perpendicular to each other and-.with less than- 15 foot side yards is <br /> not unusual at all and the church could have built within five feet <br /> of the lot line under the City ordinance. He said his home on Croft <br /> Drive in which he lived for 15 years was only 72 feet from the lot <br /> line and his neighbors back yard was also perpendicular to his . Mr. <br /> Esau still insisted the back yard setback requirement should have <br /> been applied in a case like this . <br /> Erling Weiberg,' 3409 - 36th Avenue N.E. , read the written statement <br /> from Larry and Sandy Antczak, who live directly south of the church <br /> • at 3501 - 36th Avenue N.E. , who were away on vacation, in which they <br /> reiterated the objection they had made during the July 19th hearing to <br /> the expansion which, in their view, was "too large and too close to <br /> single family dwellings; could only intensify the water runoff problems <br />
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