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PL MINUTES 08161983
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 08161983
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PL MINUTES 08161983
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-5- <br /> they experience now, and would lower the market value of their home. " <br /> • They also iraised the question of whether the addition might cut off <br /> the access to their property for emergency vehicles and power company <br /> service for the transformer in their back yard. <br /> Mr. Weiberg then told the Commission members he had served as spokes- <br /> person for the .six affected property owners along 36th Avenue at the <br /> meeting with the church officials and had been requested to present a <br /> petition, signed by 23 of his neighbors , representing 13 households <br /> on 36th Avenue and Wendhurst, against the addition which they perceive <br /> would be "injurious to property values. of the existing homes" and <br /> requesting an -environmental study, including the potential for water <br /> runoff damage and possible hazard of cutting off utility and Fire <br /> Department access to their homes , before final approval of any build- <br /> ing plan is given. In response to the latter, Commissioner Zawislak <br /> said he imagined NSP would follow their usual procedure of moving a <br /> transformer when access becomes difficult. <br /> Raul F. Cifuentes, who indicated he had moved to his home at 3413 <br /> 36th Avenue N.E. in June of this year, asked why he had not been <br /> notified about the two hearings on this proposal. He was told the <br /> tax rolls which list the previous owner had been- used for the mailing <br /> of notices and that person- had apparently not returned the letter to <br /> him. Mr. Cifuentes indicated he believed the proposed addition would <br /> be a problem for all the residents on 36th with the increase of cars <br /> and noise on the property and said he would -never have purchased the <br /> • home if the realtor had told him .about .the proposed expansion. He <br /> added that. right now he has trouble listening to his own music on <br /> Sunday mornings because of the organ music coming from the church. <br /> His final point was his personal . opinion. that churches like Elmwood <br /> and St. Charles should not be spending _money on expansions when there <br /> are so many people dying of starvation all over the world. <br /> Commissioner Jones noted the proposed expansion would add 75 feet to <br /> the existing 60 foot church wall, resulting in a 135 foot long building <br /> for the neighbors to look at. He explored several other ways of <br /> preventing this , but Mr. Gavin told him the. proposed plan was the only <br /> one the architect considered would be considered economically feasible <br /> for the additional room the .church needs with the existing sewer and <br /> water service. Whenasked whether the architect would be available <br /> to answer the questions more specifically at the Council meeting, <br /> Mr. Jones said that person would not be able to attend that meeting <br /> either. <br /> The meeting was closed at 9 :05 P .M. , for Commission discussion and <br /> action. <br /> Mr. Gilligan indicated he would not betoo concerned with any tentative <br /> expansion plans developed for the church in 1963 since he perceives <br /> the Council in 1964 only approved the building plans for the existing <br /> structure and not these plans . He told the Chair the City would not be <br /> • bound by any implied approval of the expansion in view of the passage <br /> of 20 years and changes in the neighborhood -makeup since that time. <br /> He confirmed that a conditional use permit is only good for one year, <br /> if the approved use is not constructed. <br />
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