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PL MINUTES 09201983
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 09201983
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12/30/2015 6:08:37 PM
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PL MINUTES 09201983
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-5- <br /> (21 Denying the request might place TCF in a competitive disadvantage <br /> • with. other banking institutions . who are not restricted as to the <br /> signage when advertising th.e. new electronic developments in their <br /> field of enterprise . <br /> Voting on the motion: <br /> Aye : Bowerman, Wagner, and Franzese. <br /> Nay: Makowske. <br /> Abstention: Bjorklund <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The Managerindicated the Metro Council would be preparing a work <br /> program for the City 's Capital Improvement Plan and as well as a housing <br /> plan for which there would be no charge. <br /> Steve Yurick of Arkell Development and Gary Tushie of Saunders-Thalden <br /> Architects were present to report the revised proposal for the con- <br /> dominium structure to be built under Phase 1 of the Kenzie Terrace <br /> Redevelopment Project for which they were seeking an amendment�-to _th_e <br /> Phase 1 Detailed P.U.D. Plan. Commission members were provided <br /> copies of the site and elevation plans and a solar graph showing the <br /> effect of the higher building on the adjoining property was presented <br /> at the meeting. The original plans had been .revised to provide two <br /> levels of parking, or one enclosed parking space per unit, because a <br /> market survey of 114 persons who had indicated an interest in buying <br /> • into the project had convinced the developers that the project would <br /> probably be marketable with only a one for one ratio..of parking. The <br /> architect had redrawn the plans to provide an extra level of parking, <br /> one-quarter underground and three-quarters above ground, which, with <br /> the four levels of condominiums , would result in a 5-1/2 story building <br /> as compared to the 4-1/2 story structure approved for the P .U.D. In <br /> his letter to the .four residents whose homes are directly behind the <br /> project property, which was hand delivered by the Manager that day, <br /> Mr. Childs had told them the height of the _structure would now be <br /> 49 feet to the eaves of the pitch roof . Mr. Yurick confirmed that <br /> would change the height to 64 feet at the peak. <br /> Only one of the four property owners was present for the discussion. <br /> that evening. Bernice Basara. who lives directly behind the body shop <br /> parcel at 2608 - 27th. Avenue .N.E. indicated she was in favor of homes <br /> being constructed on the site since "they would be better than what' s <br /> there now" . Her only concern was that' the higher building wouldn' t <br /> increase the shading of the alley in the winter, which becomes so <br /> icy driving is difficult. Mr. Tushie showed her on the solar graphs <br /> that the shadows cast by the building at their lowest point in early <br /> winter would never extend as far as those cast by the 30 foot ever- <br /> greens just across the alley from her property. <br />---The-Manager -had--ta:lked-to-f1rs .—Weh-r—who lives on the end of that block <br /> and she had not indicated any major problems with the revised proposal. <br /> • When Commissioner Bjorklund asked Mrs . Basara if she knew why the other <br /> neighbors weren' t at the meeting that evening, she told him Mr. Frederick <br /> had died Monday and she didn' t know what the other neighbor 's reaction <br /> towards the development would be. <br />
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