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PL MINUTES 09201983
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 09201983
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PL MINUTES 09201983
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4_ <br /> When Commissioner Bjorklund recalled the tremendous amount of opposition_ <br /> • from the neighbors which- had been generated when this' sign was ori- <br /> ginally approved, Commissioner Wagner told him he believes that to be <br /> history now and noted that not one expression of opposition had been <br /> demonstrated during any -of the hearings on the proposal which had <br /> been held since the Commission' s August 16th meeting, not even from <br /> any of the residents in the neighborhood who had been notified that <br /> a hearing was scheduled on the proposal . <br /> Chair Makowske noted that the City. was not telling TCF they could not <br /> have the same message displayed somewhere else on the site and indi- <br /> cated she believed it would be inconsistent for the City to permit <br /> this signage to be lit all night when other businesses in the same <br /> district have been permitted lighted signs only while their establish- <br /> ments are in operation. <br /> Mr. Shannon told her he was certain TCF would be amenable to turning <br /> the lighting on the panel off at midnight or 1 :00 A.M. since such a <br /> sign is generic, and very few people do their banking all night long. <br /> Commission Bjorklund indicated he intended to abstain from voting on <br /> the variance because he had done some business for TCF in the past, <br /> but cautioned the Commission members .that he perceives they should <br /> advance some very strong .justifications. for establishing such an <br /> unusual precedent,- where a non-conforming sign, of -a type not custom- <br /> arily permitted in a commercial area, is permitted to be increased in <br /> size, doubting whether there had ever been another instance where a <br /> • non-conforming sign had been permitted to be enlarged. He also agreed <br /> with. Mrs . Makowske that the City might have - little or no control over <br /> any change in message which a future owner of the bank building might <br /> put on the existing sign. Commissioner Bowerman agreed that enlarging <br /> a non-conforming sign be taken seriously, . not at the same time , he <br /> perceives the Commission has to take into consideration that a similar <br /> circumstances in a changing industry are .bound to come up and it might <br /> not be fair to prevent the bank from .competing with others in the same <br /> industry. He also believes the Commission should take into considera- <br /> tion the fact that TCF is certainly a fine addition to our community; <br /> the bank building is aesthetically pleasing and the sign message <br /> would not be perceived to distract from its appearance. The Commissioner <br /> recalled during World War II when almost all businesses stayed open <br /> 24 hours a day to accommodate the war- plant workers . <br /> Mr. Childs told Commissioner Franzese the City 's sign ordinance is <br /> considered more -strict than average when compared with other municipalities . <br /> Motion by Commissioner Bowerman and seconded by Commissioner Wagner to <br /> recommend the .Council grant a variance to the Sign Ordinance to Twin <br /> City- Federal Savings and Loan, 3899 Silver Lake Road, which would <br /> permit them to add 12 . 6 square feet, as proposed, to their existing <br /> display, specifically for a numeric and lettered double-sided sign <br />-- r-eadi-ng"24-HOU-R-T-ELLER",-on-the--condition-that sign not be illuminated <br /> from 1 : 00. A.M. to 6 : 00 A.M. , finding that: <br /> • (1) Granting such- a variance could not be considered to be detrimental <br /> to that particular corner where a banking facility has already been <br /> estab-lished on a large plot -of land which is surrounded by com- <br /> mercial development. <br />
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