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t <br /> -6- <br /> • 1 At 8:50 P.M. , the Chairman opened the he on the request from Elizabeth Johnson, <br /> 2 3601. Stinson Boulevard N.E. , f or. subdivision without platting and a variance to <br /> 3 allow a split of the existing 50 X 239.25 foot lot into two lots, '50 X 120 feet in <br /> 4 size (6;000 square-feet each), one to be retained as a residence for Mrs. Johnson <br /> 5 and the other, fronting on Roosevelt,- to be developed fora single family residence. <br /> 6 The City Ordinance requires a minimum width .of 75 feet and a total size of 9.,000 <br /> 7 square feet each, but the new lot would be buildable according to the Ordinance. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 The notice of hearing which had been published in the August 8th Bulletin and sent <br /> 10 to all property owners of record within 200 feet of the subject property was read <br /> 11 by Chairman ,Zawislak. No one present reported failure to receive the notice or <br /> 12 objected to its content. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 The Manager-reiterated the points aboutthe request he had made in his August 16th <br /> 15 memorandum, including the.fact .that the prospective buyer for the vacant lot which <br /> 16 would be created intends to build a home there, which .would meet all the Ordinance <br /> 17 setback requirements. He told those present he had received no comments from the <br /> 18 neighbors about the proposal . <br /> 19 <br /> 20 - Research, of the property background indiates' some evidence that at one time the <br /> 21 existing 50 X 239 foot lot had been platted for a street,- which the City had <br /> 22 decided against building. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Commissioner Bjorklund requested specific instances of 50 foot lots and was told <br /> 25 there are many in that same neighborhood, i-ncluding the one which the Commission <br /> 26 had approved for construction by Mike Pribula at 3231 Roosevelt. <br /> •27 <br /> 28 Joseph Maas, who introduced himself as Mrs. Johnson's agent .from Century 21 Realty, <br /> 29 indicated Joseph Mezzenga, who was present, had the prelininary plans for a home <br /> 30 on the empty lot if the lot split is approved. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 C. C. Huang, 3540 Roosevelt, who lives next door to the Johnson property, said he <br /> 33 would .like-to see just what kind of a house would be going up-next door. Although <br /> 34 it was pointed out that the City does not customarily require such documentation for <br /> 35 a lot split, Mr. Mezzenga said he would be glad to show the "tentative" plans he <br /> 36 had with him, drawing Mr. Huang 's attention to the fact that the front yard setback <br /> 37 of 30 feet and all side and rear yard setbacks would be maintained in accordance <br /> 38 with the City Ordinance. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 When Mr. -Huang indicated he was interested in finding out who owned the retaining <br /> 41 wall between properties, Mrs. Johnson, who was accompanied by Cindy Larson, 8309 Zane <br /> 42 Avenue North; responded by telling him that the previous owner of his property had <br />____4_3__ built the retaining .wall without which his building "would probably fall down". <br /> 44 Mr. Huang raised no objections to the proposed split and the hearing was closed <br /> 45 at 9:03 P.M. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Motion by Commissioner Hansen and seconded by Commissioner- Wagner to recommend the <br /> 48 Council grant the request from Elizabeth Johnson, 3601 Stinson Boulevard N.E. , for <br /> 49 subdivision without platting and a variance to allow the split of an existing <br /> 50 50 X239.25 foot lot fronting on both Stinson Boulevard and Roosevelt Street N.E. , <br /> 51 into two lots which would be approximately 50.X 120 feet in' size and 'a total of <br /> 52 6,000 feet each where the City Ordinance requires 75 foot frontage and 9,000 square <br /> • 53 feet for a single family dwelling, which would result in the retention of the exist- <br /> 54 ing residence fronting .on Stinson Boulevard and the creation of another buildable <br /> 55 ' lot fronting on Roosevelt -Street N.E. The Commission finds in recommending this <br /> 56 action be taken, that: <br />