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PL MINUTES 03191985
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 03191985
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PL MINUTES 03191985
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-4- <br /> • 1 The notice had been .published in the March 5, 1985 Bulletin and sent to all property <br /> 2 owners of record within 200 feet of the subject property. , No one present reported <br /> 3 failure to receive the notice or objected to its content. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 As he had reported in his March 15th memorandum to the Commissioners, Mr. Childs <br /> 6 explained the proponents were proposing to add another 5 square foot NAPA logo on <br /> 7 the south side of the building as well as a 36 square foot "Auto Parts" sign which <br /> 8 would replace the existing 9 square foot "Auto Parts" which would be moved to the <br /> 9 west side of the store facing the mall . The resultant total square footage on the <br /> 10 store would be 109 square feet, as compared to the existing 68 square feet of sign- <br /> 11 age on the building. However, the proposed signage would be within the 150 maximum <br /> 12 square feet permitted for the existing business frontage on the south so the <br /> 13 variance would be needed in relation to the number of signs rather than total <br /> 14 area, the Manager said. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 James Morris of Lawrence Sign, Inc. discussed the sign proposal with the Commissioners <br /> 17 and said he would have no problem with moving the logos. together so the entire sign <br /> 18 could be fitted into the parameters of the sign which had previously been on the <br /> 19 south side of the building if. the Commission were to interpret that the store <br /> 20 actually had two business frontages following the redesigning of the shopping center <br /> 21 roadways. He said the owners of the store believe they need better identification <br /> 22 since another business has all the signage on both the Silver Lake Road and north <br /> 23 side of the building. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 The Manager confirmed that, with a 72 square foot sign on the south where the <br /> 26 ordinance would permit 76 square feet, and only 63 square feet on the west side, <br /> • <br /> 27 where 88 square feet would be permitted if there are two business frontages on the <br /> 28 store, the proposed signage would -be well within the total area permitted by the <br /> 29 ordinance, and no variance would -be necessary, thereby permitting the company to <br /> 30 apply for a building permit without Council action. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 No one was present to speak against the proposal and there had been no calls <br /> 33 received for or against it by- staff, according to Mr. - Childs. The hearing was closed <br /> 34 at 8:45 P.M. for the following interpretation by the Commission: <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Motion by Commissioner Jones and seconded by Commissioner Bjorklund to interpret that <br /> 37 the Genuine Parts store at 3800 Silver Lake Road, since it is located at a corner, <br /> 38 should be entitled to a sign for each business frontage on the south and west side <br /> 39 of that building, finding that, the store has no identification on the Silver Lake <br /> 40 Road side where another firm has its signage and -that the construction of the med- <br /> , 41 .idn on the west side of the building created another business frontage for the <br /> 42 store on that side. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 At 8:47 P.M. , Chair Franzese opened the public hearing to consider the request <br /> 47 from Brighton Development Corporation for the variances which would allow them to <br /> 48 construct 29 townhomes on the property located at 3242 Old Highway 8, commonly <br /> 49 referred to as the Walbon property. The Chair read the notice of the hearing which <br /> 50 had been published in the March 5, 1985 Bulletin and mailed to all property owners <br /> 51 within 350 feet of the subject property. <br /> • 52 <br /> 53 In his March 15th memorandum to the Commissioners., the Manager had cited the justifi- <br /> 54 cations he saw for .granting the five variances necessary to develop the property and <br /> 55 thereby removed a blighted, non-conforming, incompatible land use in conformance with <br />
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