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PL MINUTES 11191985
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11191985
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PL MINUTES 11191985
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1 3. By permitting the subdivision without platting, the City would be expediting <br /> • 2 the redevelopment of this tornado damaged addition; and ' <br /> 3 <br /> 4 4. No objections to the lot split had been raised, either during the Commission <br /> 5 hearing, or to the staff prior to the hearing. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Randy Mikkelson, 909 East River Road, said his younger brother owned a 16 foot <br /> 10 wide by 150 foot deep lot just east of the former Clark gas station at the inter- <br /> 11 section of 33rd Avenue N-.E. and Stinson Boulevard and had asked Randy to get <br /> 12 ideas from the Commission members as to just what use the brother could make of <br /> 13 the substandard lot he had acquired a number of years ago through the payment of <br /> 14 delinquent taxes on the property. Mr. Childs said he understood the parcel had <br /> 15 previously been used as a utility transformer site. He said he had checked with <br /> 16 the City Attorney to see if the owner could put a garage on the parcel , which is <br /> 17 now zoned R-2, two family residence district, and Mr. Soth had said there had to <br /> 18 be a primary use on the parcel before an accessory building could be constructed, <br /> 19 which in this case, would have to be a duplex, which would never fit on a lot <br /> 20 that size. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 The Manager said he wasn't sure what rights would accrue to the ownership of the <br /> 23 property but he had invited the applicant to come in to discuss with the Commission <br /> 24 members his problem with trying to utilize that parcel : Mr. Childs told them a <br /> 25 Mr. Fisher, who lives three or four doors north from the old Clark station had <br /> 26 purchased that property and had told Mr. Childs last summer he was considering <br /> . <br /> 27 putting a 4 unit townhouse on the site. Mr. Fisher hadn't been in since, and the <br /> 28 Manager said he understood Mr. Fisher had not expressed a desire. to acquire the <br /> 29 Mikkelson property for that development. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 When Commissioner Bjorklund said he had considered lodging a complaint about the <br /> 32 owner selling cars from that lot, Mr. Childs said he knew it was not Mr. Fisher <br /> 33 who was doing that, because it was he who had called the City to see if he could <br /> 34 have those cars towed away. However, he said some of the cars which are parked <br /> 35 there occasionally might belong to the owner. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Commissioner Bowerman indicated he could understand why it might be difficult to <br /> 38 pressure a new owner to put up townhomes on that corner which would then be the <br /> 39 only development on that intersection which would not be commercial . The Com- <br /> 40 missioner told Mr. Mikkelson that, in view of the City Attorney' s opinion, the <br /> 41 only other suggestion he could make as to the use of that substandard lot, would <br /> 42 be to have it attached to one of the properties on either side to expand the <br /> 43 use of that property. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Mr. Childs indicated he had researched and found there was case law for giving - <br /> 46 property owners of similar lots, surrounded by fully developed land, rights to <br /> 47 develop substandard lots, but since this was not a platted lot, having been only <br /> 48 land left over from a utility use, he was not sure-what•.;aicourt might make <br /> 49 in this case. <br /> 50• <br /> 51 Commissioner Bowerman indicated he perceived there had never. been an intent by the <br /> 52 City that the land should be used for primary residential purposes and the Com- <br /> 53 <br /> om- <br /> 53 missioner told Mr. Mikkelson he was sorry the Commission was unable to give his <br /> 54 brother direction of how he could use his property. Commissioner Bjorklund <br /> 55 indicated he would vote against any development of that lot other than to permit <br />
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