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PL MINUTES 11191985
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11191985
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PL MINUTES 11191985
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-5- <br /> 1 Nay: Bowerman. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Motion carried. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 At 8:01 P.M. , the Chair opened the hearing to consider a petition from the Nativity <br /> 6 Lutheran Church, 3312 Silver Lake Road, r foa conditional use permit in an R-1 , <br /> 7 single family residential district, to construct the addition they proposed on <br /> 8 the west side of the church-. and to expand their parking facilities by removing <br /> 9 the house at the northeast corner of 33rd Avenue N.E. and Silver Lake Road and, <br /> '10 in its place, constructing 38 parking spaces to=,accommodate=additional--,parking�ci+- <br /> 11 the facility. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 The notice of the hearing had been published in the November 5, 1985 Bulletin and <br /> 14 mailed to all property owners of record within 350 feet of the subject property. <br /> 15 No present reported failure to receive the notice or objected to its content. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 The request had been given a concept review by the Commission at their October <br /> 18 meeting and the Manager reiterated that -thO,.Ci,ty would be happy to see the church <br /> 19 would be providing the congregation-,vwith more parking on the east side of the <br /> 20 building because there had always been a concern about the foot traffic between <br /> 21 the church and the Community Center parking -lot, which many Nativity parishioners <br /> 22 preferred to the parking available to them on the other side of the church. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 As had been stated at the October discussion, Mr. Childs reiterated that the original <br /> 25 plans for an addition on the west side of the church had been redrawn a little <br /> 26 farther south to meet the concerns about the proximity'of: the addition to his <br /> 27 property which had been expressed by Richard Porter, the church's closest neighbor, <br /> 28 at 3329 Belden Drive, who was also in attendance that evening. The Manager <br /> 29 indicated he hoped the unidentified neighbor who had called staff to indicate she <br /> 30 didn't like the idea of having a .parking lot located so close to her home, was <br /> 31 present to share her concerns with the church officials that evening. These had <br /> 32 been the only contacts with adjacent property owners that the City had up to this <br /> 33 evening, Mr. Childs said. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 The revised plans for the expansion and parking projects were presented by John <br /> 36 Hensel , Chairman of the church Building Committee, Stan Gordon, President of the <br /> 37 Nativity congregation; Richard Carlson, a member of the Building Committee; and <br /> 38 Paul Erickson, the architect for the project. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Mr. Hensel indicated the church had been actively working for the last two or <br /> 41 three years to plan a project which would address the needs Nativity had exper <br /> 42 ienced with a very active and vital congregation, which in the last five years had <br /> 43 resulted in a real vitality in growth. With the growth in the congregation numbers, <br /> 44 especially in young f amilies, 'the Building Chairman said, the church officials <br /> 45 had realized the need to address not only the age of the church building itself, <br /> 46 but also the necessity to expand the programs for pre-school and older youth <br /> 47 groups. Mr. Hensel said the new parking lot would not only expand the existing <br /> 48 parking capability to meet the congregation increase, but would also provide safe <br /> 49 access to the first floor level , which is offered on a limited basis now, where <br /> 50 lighting and security are preceived to be better. Another important part of the <br /> 51 project, the Nativity spokesman said, would be the handicapped elevator access in <br /> 52 the addition on the west side, which had been moved back away from Mr. Porter's <br /> • 53 residence to .meet his concerns about encroachment. <br /> 54 <br /> 55 The architect answered questions related to the updated site, building, and eleva- <br /> 56 tion plans for the project which, he said, would maintain the required setbacks <br /> 57 all around the building and would retain the front door on Silver Lake Road. <br />
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