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PL MINUTES 11191985
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11191985
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PL MINUTES 11191985
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-6_ <br /> 1 He said the provision of brick and windows in the addition would give a sense of <br /> 2 warmth to the building and_an aesthetic view from the adjacent resident's property. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Chair Franzese was shown on the grading plans for the project that there was only <br /> 5 a four foot slope between the church property and the land acquired for the parking <br /> 6 lot: The architect pointed out how both the existing concrete and new bituminous <br /> 7 curbing, along with the crown on the new driveway, would prevent drainage of <br /> 8 surface water towards-:the closest property to the west. The Commissioners were <br /> 9 also told that the mechanical engineer had determined an 8 inch underground pipe <br /> 10 would be adequate to carry the water flow to the manhole in the west parking lot. <br /> 11 It was also pointed out that the down spouts, which would direct the rainfall <br /> 12 onto the grade and upgraded roof drains, had been designed to take the storm water <br /> 13 inside the building, and then to spill it out onto the parking lot, with all <br /> 14 improvements intended to direct the storm water to appropriate places and not to <br /> 15 cause erosion on the adjacent residential property, Mr. Hensel added. The Building <br /> 16 Chairman also said property controls would be installed in any spots where there <br /> 17 might be a possibility of erosion during construction, particularly on the west <br /> 18 side near Mr. Porter's home. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty, whose home is just west of the proposed parking lot <br /> 21 at 2921 - 34th Avenue N.E. , participated in the discussion of the church's plans . <br /> 22 Mr. McNulty indicated that, although he had told church representatives he would <br /> 23 not oppose their expansion plans, he still had some real concerns about drainage, <br /> 24 snow removal , and storage, and a buffer to shield his property from the parking <br /> 25 lot activities. He questioned whether six inches between the grade and the top of <br /> 26 the curb would be adequate to prevent storm water from flowing onto his property <br /> • 27 and indicated he perceived the church would find in the long run, that concrete <br /> 28 curbings would be a* better investment. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Mr. Carlson told him that bituminous met all the standards required by the City <br /> 31 up to now and assured Mr. McNulty that he wouldn't get any drainage, since the <br /> 32 grade would be slanted to send the water to the center, and not to the edge of the <br /> 33 lot. Mr. Hensel told Mr. McNulty the church would be willing to build a six foot <br /> 34 fence between the lot and his property if that was what he perceived was needed to <br /> 35 provide him privacy on his deck and to prevent the headlights parked in the lot <br /> 36 from shining into -the McNulty' s bedrooms on the east side of their home. Mr. <br /> 37 McNulty said he doubted any church functions would last longer than their normal <br /> 38 bedtime. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Two property owners who live directly across 33rd Avenue from the proposed parking <br /> 41 lot, William McPherson, 3220 Silver Lake Road, and Lillian 'Koch, 2920 - 33rd <br /> 42 Avenue N.E. , were present to discuss their own concerns about the project. <br /> 43 Mr. McPherson indicated he had no objections to the parking lot itself, but had <br /> 44 hoped the exit wouldn 't be onto 33rd. He was also interested in what type of <br /> 45 landscaping the church planned around the lot, as was -Mrs. Koch, who also stated <br /> 46 she foresaw a problem backing out of her own driveway when the parking lot was <br /> 47 being used. She also was interested in_ learning just how having a parking lot <br /> 48 across the street would affect her property values. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Mr. Porter reiterated that he had no general objections to the proposed project, <br /> 51 but said he did have some specific concerns about drainage, which had been <br /> 52 addressed earlier in the evening. He said, with a 24 foot difference in grade <br /> • 53 between his basement and the parking lot, he was concerned that the drainage plans <br /> 54 might not work if the manhole couldn 't handle a heavy downpour or is frozen up, <br /> 55 as often happened in the spring. <br />
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