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PL MINUTES 11191985
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11191985
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PL MINUTES 11191985
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—8—. <br /> 1 The Building Chairman pointed out the hazards of having a driveway off Silver Lake <br /> 2 Road which had prompted the church planners to provide for an exit off 33rd Avenue <br /> 3 instead. Commissioner Hansen suggested, as he had at the October Commission <br /> 4 meeting, that the driveway be built as far away from the Silver Lake Road inter- <br /> 5 section as possible to avoid problems for drivers -turning left and he asked if any <br /> 6 thought had been given to allowing only right hand turns towards the west. <br /> 7 Mr. Hensel indicated he liked that suggestion very much because that would keep <br /> 8 the driveway from having to be built too close to the west property line where <br /> 9 it could cause a problem with water runoff onto the neighbor's yard. The church <br /> 10 spokesman also told Mrs . Koch there would be 38 parking stalls provided in the new <br /> 11 lot and he certainly hoped the parishioners would make- full use of them all . <br /> 12 With 'the 41 parking stalls on the north side and 66 in the west parking area, <br /> 13 there would now be a total of 145 parking places -to serve a church seating capacity <br /> 14 of 510. Mr. Hensel also told Mrs. Koch he would have no way of assessing the <br /> 15 impact a parking lot might have on the resale value of the homes across the street. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Mrs. Koch indicated she perceived requiring only right hand turns from the parking <br /> 18 lot would make it much easier for her to- back out of her own driveway and go <br /> 19 towards Silver Lake Road. Mr. Childs said the City could probably enforce the <br /> 20 sign if the church wanted to have it installed. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Mr. Porter said one of his major complaints about the church 's maintenance of its <br /> 23 property centered on the fact that there is no effort made to rake up the leaves <br /> 24 on the church property and they all end up on his yard. He told Mr. Carlson he <br /> 25 believed it was the responsibility of the church to dispose of any leaves on its <br /> 26 property whether or not they came from their own trees . <br /> • 27 . <br /> 28 Mr. McNulty said he' was not too concerned about the leaves from the trees next door <br /> 29 getting into his roof gutters because he intended to enclose those gutters anyway. <br /> 30 However, he said, the provision of screening, between the property was very important <br /> 31 to him,- as he had indicated to the church representatives who had come to see him, <br /> 32 and Mr. McNulty said, he would like to have the agreement regarding the fence <br /> 33 included in the approval 'of the permit. Mr. Porter indicated he perceived that <br /> 34 would be a good idea because when he had agreed to the parking lot being installed <br /> 35 next to him 30 years agog he had also been promised all sorts of landscaping which, <br /> 36 he said, had never happened. In regard to the durability of the bituminous already <br /> 37 on the church property, Mr. Porter indicated that some of the curbing on his side <br /> 38 of the parking lot had deteriorated and needed to be replaced. He also referred <br /> 39 to Mrs. Koch ' s question about the -impact of a parking lot on adjoining land values <br /> 40 by saying .herihad letters from three different reputable Northeast realtors telling <br /> 41 him that the proximity of his property to a parking lot did adversely affect the <br /> 42 value of that property. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Mr. Hensel said the church would not be arguing the point about installinga fence <br /> 45 between the parking lot and Mr. McNulty' s property during the construction period. <br /> 46 Mr. Erickson said he would be willing to work out a landscaping plan with the <br /> 47 neighbor which could be dated and submitted for Planning Commission approval . <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Mr. Childs told Mrs . Koch there would be approximately a 25 foot setback from the <br /> 50 edge of the parking lot which would be planted with grass. When she expressed a <br /> 51 concern about the use of the parking lot by others than Nativity Church members, <br /> 52 Mr. Carlson told her it probably would be a good idea for the church to post the <br /> • 53 area as private property, as Commissioner Wagner had suggested, to protect the <br /> 54 church from incurring a liability if a "park and drive" situation shou Td evolve. <br /> 55 <br />
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