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PL MINUTES 11191985
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11191985
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PL MINUTES 11191985
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-7- <br /> 1 Mr. Porter indicated further, that poor maintenance of the grounds, especially the <br /> 2 church' s failure to remove the leaves before they blew into his yard and less than <br /> 3 perfect snow removal also concerned him. He said he would have no objection if <br /> 4 the existing soft, but adequate lighting were retained in the back parking lot, <br /> 5 but warned that he would not tolerate bright spotlights . <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Mr. Porter reported that after a discussion with Nativity's Pastor Hoffman. the <br /> 8 previous week, the practice of ringing the church bells 20 times every day at noon <br /> 9 and at 6:00 P.M. had stopped. However, he said he understood the church policy on <br /> 10 the bells was being reviewed and, Mr. Porter said, hoped the church would continue <br /> 11 to ring the bells for only church functions, and not for what he perceived had <br /> 12 been reasons -not directly related to normal church functions . Mr. Porter told the <br /> 13 Commissioners he had measured the sound of the bells and found, from his home, <br /> 14 they measured 97 decibels every time the bell was rung, which, Mr. Porter added, <br /> 15 would be unacceptable to OSHA on some job sites. The complainant said he was <br /> 16 prepared to go throughout the neighborhood with a petition against non-function <br /> 17 ringing of the bell , if the practice were resumed. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 When asked by Commissioner Bjorklund whether he perceived a 10 inch pipe would <br /> 20 be better to prevent future flooding of his property, Mr-. Porter told the Com- <br /> 21 missioner he was not a hydraulic engineer, and couldn't say exactly what size of <br /> 22 pipe would be needed to keep the manhole from overflowing. He told Chair Franzese <br /> 23 he had never been flooded from the church property in his 30 years there, but <br /> 24 just wanted that eventuality considered during the planning stages, rather than <br /> 25 after his basement gets flooded, which might force him to sue the church for the <br /> 26 damages. <br /> 27 <br /> • <br /> 28 When Commissioner Rjorklund commented that the City wouldn't want to grant a <br /> 29 variance for a project which had the potential of harming his property, Mr. Carlson <br /> 30 responded by saying the church was not seeking -any variances for their expansion <br /> 31 plans. He told Mr. Porter he would anticipate no further flooding of the manhole <br /> 32 since the church had hired a company to flush it out and, in his own judgement, <br /> 33 the Building . Committee member said, the existing pipe should be large enough to <br /> 34 handle all the future storm water which flows through the parking lot. Mr. <br /> 35 Carlson also told Mr. McNulty he believed he could give the church' s assurance <br /> 36 that none of the neighbors ' properties would ever be harmed by snow dumped from <br /> 37 parking lot cleaning. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Mr. Erickson said landscaping had not been included in the construction contract <br /> 40 but that the church planned to do that work itself. Mr: Hensel said he understood <br /> 41 the church committee members who had talked to Mr. McNulty had agreed that a <br /> 42 barrier acceptable to him would be constructed by the church between his property <br /> 43 and the new parking lot:*and the Building Chairman assured him the' church .had the <br /> 44 money in the budget for a six foot fence, if that is what the neighbor wants . <br /> 45 Mr. Childs said a fence of that height would meet the ordinance requirements, but <br /> 46 the ordinance itself does not mandate such a buffer between the church and adjoin- <br /> 47 ing properties. The Commission, however, could make the fence one of the conditions <br /> 48 under which the permit is granted, he added. Mr. McNulty did not indicate he <br /> 49 wanted the church to do anything with the large overhanging silver maple tree on <br /> 50 the acquired property even though Commissioner Bjorklund had indicated that could <br /> 51 also be a condition for the permit. <br /> 52 <br /> • 53 Mr. Erickson indicated that the construction budget provided concrete curbing <br /> 54 wherever there was now concrete and the same with bituminous, but not all concrete <br /> 55 curbing. Mr. Hensel said the church had no problems with deterioration with the _ <br /> 56 curbs they have now. <br />
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