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PL MINUTES 07151986
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 07151986
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PL MINUTES 07151986
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-5- <br /> • 1 Outlots A and B were "being sited" when actually, their construction was almost <br /> 2 completed.. The owner of Lot 9 then -said he would like to see the City "take <br /> 3 steps now to require the tennis court lights would have to be turned off at <br /> 4 9:30 P.M. , to avoid problems later on" . <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Elizabeth Heller, 3310 Belden Drive (.Lot 9). was present to express her concerns <br /> 7 that potential activities on the tennis courts early in the morning or late : , <br /> 8 at night "might disturb the neighbors" . <br /> 9 <br /> 10 The Commissioners told the opponents of the subdivision amendments that (-a) the <br /> 11 applicant owned both Outlot A and B and had as much right as any other resident <br /> 12 to build tennis courts on his property if it was large enough to accomodate that <br /> 13 activity; (.b) the tennis court construction had been accepted by the City along <br /> 14 withthe project subdivision approval last summer; and (c) it was only because <br /> 15 he wanted to deed the courts to .the Homeowners .Association that Mr. Johnson was <br /> 16 seeking this subdivision amendment. Mr. Von Dell and Ms. Heller were also told <br /> 17 that, even with the transfer of- the 495 square feet of land from Lot 11 , the <br /> 18 parcel would remain a buildable lot with a 75 foot width at the building setback <br /> 19 line as required and over 3,000 square feet more than the ordinance required in <br /> 20 total area. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 In reference to lighting the tennis. courts, Commissioner Jones explained that the <br /> 23 City had no ordinances to prohibit or control lighting, per se. Mr. Childs <br /> 24 indicated any complaints by the neighbors in that regard would have to be <br /> 25 handled eithor under the City's Residential Noise Ordinance or the Nuisance <br /> 26 Ordinance. The two neighbors were also reminded that Mr. Johnson had stated that <br /> 27 because of the costs involved, he had no plans to light the tennis courts, and, <br /> 28 since it would now be up to a Homeowners Association, whose members would be <br /> 29 directly impacted by the tennis courts activities, to put in the lighting, it <br /> 30 would seem reasonable to .assume that in their own interests- those homeowners <br /> 31 would impose the necessary controls on the use of the courts . <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Mr. Johnson's response to ,the neighbors' objections was to state that his family <br /> 34 had been in business in that area since 1960 .and, after being wiped out by the <br /> 35 tornado, were now attempting to rebuild their property to something both the <br /> 36 neighborhood .and the City couldbe proud of. The applicant said as the owner <br /> 37 of the most property in that subdivision with his home right next to the properties <br /> 38 in question, he perceived he would naturally be just as concerned about lighting <br /> 39 and noise as any of his neighbors. Mr. Johnson reiterated that he had no intention <br /> 40 of lighting the tennis courts and felt badly aboutcsom'e of^�the�.compl'ai ntsl h,i's;lneighbors <br /> 41 made about his attempt to rebuild the area. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Mr. Van Dell told Mr. Johnson that he had always refused- to lead the fight against <br /> 44 the florist business, telling the homeowners who complained about the business <br /> I <br /> 45 "they were already here when you bought your homes". He suggested Mr. Johnson <br /> 1 46 should not take comments made that evening personally. <br /> r 47 <br /> 48 There was no further input to the consideration and the hearing was closed at <br /> 49 9:05 P.M. <br /> 50 <br /> 51 Motion by Commissioner Madden -and seconded -by Commissioner Bowerman to recommend <br /> 52 the Council approve the request from Rick Johnson, 3306 Belden Drive, for amendments <br /> 0 <br /> 53 to the Johnson Manor and Belden Terrace Second Addition subdivisions, Hennepin <br /> 54 County, as follows: <br /> 55 <br />
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