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PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • October 18, 1994 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Richard Hehr, Real Estate Representative for Payless Cashways, Inc. (Knox), explained the <br /> 2 proposal for the Knox store at Apache Plaza. He explained that this is a completely different <br /> 3 concept and prototype store which they call the "Quantum Leap". It would consist of a 70,000 <br /> 4 square foot masonry constructed building. It will include a "drive-through" lumber entry, which <br /> 5 leads to a fully enclosed product area. There will be 15 foot walls constructed around the <br /> 6 product area and the product area will only be visible through the entryway. Customers can <br /> 7 drive in, pick out material, load their vehicle, and pay as they go out the gate. The truck delivery <br /> 8 and unloading areas are completely enclosed. There will be approximately 1-2 scheduled <br /> 9 deliveries per day and they would occur in the evening. The parking lot and the product area will <br /> 10 be lit with mounted lights which shine-downward. There will be no loudspeakers. All <br /> 11 communication will be done with walkie-talkies. The storage buildings will be covered with <br /> 12 roofs and the product buildings will have endcaps which will denote the products inside. <br /> 13 Mr. Hehr explained they would like to construct the building adjacent to the existing mall and are <br /> 14 requesting a 0' lot line. If they were required to abide with the 60' lot line setback, they would <br /> 15 need to reduce their product area by 60'. There will be approximately 57,000 square feet of retail <br /> 16 space and 70,000 warehouse. In response to Bergstrom, Hehr stated that there will be no direct <br /> 17 access to the mall from Knox at this time, but it is still a possibility. The store will be located <br /> where the J.C.Penney building is. They plan to demolish J.C. Penney and the Health Spa <br /> building. <br /> 20 Gondorchin inquired as to where the truck traffic will enter the mall and if deliveries would be <br /> 21 after customer hours. <br /> 22 Hehr stated that the truck traffic would come off 39th Street and go through the parking lot to the <br /> 23 loading area. Most deliveries would be made between 7 and 10 PM. <br /> 24 Franzese asked if there would be any security for the product area at night and if there has been <br /> 25 an arrangement made with Mr. Cavanaugh for purchase of the land needed. She also questioned <br /> 26 if there was an area allocated to store snow. <br /> 27 Hehr explained that there would be locked gates across the drive through entrance to the product <br /> 28 area. They have not had problems with theft in other similar buildings. He stated that they are <br /> 29 purchasing approximately 10.5 acres from Apache Plaza. He feels there is adequate space <br /> 30 allocated to store snow based on data of other stores in the area. In response to Bergstrom's <br /> 31 question regarding the anticipated timetable, Hehr responded that the plan is to start demolition <br /> 32 on project after the 1 st of the year. Construction would begin in the spring and the store will be <br /> 33 open late next year or the beginning of 1996. <br /> Makowske noted that there was parking area inside the product area and also outside. He asked <br /> if the parking next to Silver Lake was shared parking. <br />
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