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PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • October 18, 1994 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Hehr responded that there was a cross parking agreement with the rest of the mall for that area. <br /> 2 There are approximately 300 parking spaces in that area. <br /> 3 Franzese asked what kind of value would be added to the mall and to the City of St. Anthony by <br /> 4 the addition of the CUB and Knox businesses. She also inquired if there would be some type of <br /> 5 overhang for persons going between CUB and the mall to provide protection from the weather <br /> 6 since there would be no direct access. <br /> 7 Bill Maki reported that CUB was a big "draw" for consumers. People come to CUB an average <br /> 8 of 2 times per week, as compared to Target 1.7 per month. It was also stated that CUB does have <br /> 9 an overhang. An enclosure may also be an option. <br /> 10 Gondorchin inquired as to the number of new jobs that would be created by this redevelopment <br /> 11 and also if there was any screening proposed along the north side of the building. <br /> 12 It was reported that CUB estimates the creation of 250-275 new jobs, 40-60 being full-time. <br /> 13 Knox estimates 125-130 new jobs with 100 being full-time positions. The landscaping for the <br /> 14 area to the north has not yet been decided but there will definitely be some landscaping in that <br /> �5 area. <br /> 16 Bob Beduhn, Barr Engineering, reported on the proposed drainage systems for Apache Plaza. He <br /> 17 was charged to develop a drainage plan to capture to the extent possible, all storm water from the <br /> 18 site and get it into pond areas to meet the Rice Creek Watershed District requirements. <br /> 19 Approximately 80% of the parking area drainage would be directed to sediment ponds. <br /> 20 Currently, all the storm water is draining east to west and is picked up in the storm sewers which <br /> 21 run deeper and deeper to connect into the trunk system and then enters into Silver Lake. The <br /> 22 proposed system will take the storm water from the CUB Foods area and proposed Knox area <br /> 23 and direct it into 3 pond areas which provide skimming and sediment removal. He explained that <br /> 24 in the detention ponds, water sits in volume and allows for the sedimentation to drop to the <br /> 25 bottom. One of the proposed ponds has a small outlet which restricts the flow of water, <br /> 26 allowing the sediment to fall to the bottom for later removal. The sediment is then cleaned up <br /> 27 per a maintenance agreement between C.G. Rein and the City of St. Anthony. This agreement <br /> 28 also allows for parking lot trash removal, maintenance of ponds and inspection to ensure proper <br /> 29 operation. There will not be a pond in the east area as the area is not suitable for pondage due to <br /> 30 the slopes. C.G. Rein Co. will build the ponds and provide the trunk sewer system to the parking <br /> 31 area owned by CUB and Knox. CUB and Knox will be responsible for tying into the system and <br /> 32 providing grades to get the drainage into the systems. <br /> 33 Bergstrom inquired regarding the depth of the detention ponds,the side slopes, and the average <br /> depth of water retained in the pond. He asked if there would be any protection installed around <br /> the ponds, if a 10 year storm event capacity exists, and what the anticipated impact to off-site <br /> 36 areas would be if a 25 year storm event occurred. <br />
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