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PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 10181994
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • October 18, 1994 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 Beduhn stated that the surface area of each of the ponds was 1/4 acre and the maximum depth <br /> 2 was 4 to 5 feet. The side slopes would be 3:1 and the average water retention would be 2-3 feet. <br /> 3 He did not know if any protection would be installed around the ponds. He explained that a wet <br /> 4 detention system requires space and as this is a retrofit system, there was a limited space issue. If <br /> 5 there was run-off, it would flow overground into the railroad yard and Silver Lake Road. <br /> 6 Franzese asked how often the sediment would be removed. She also asked if the plan was <br /> 7 designed to handle the run-off from the snow when it was moved to other areas of the parking <br /> 8 lot. <br /> 9 Beduhn stated that according to the proposed maintenance agreement, a yearly survey would be <br /> 10 done and the volume of sediment would determine the need for excavating. A volume of 50% <br /> 11 would necessitate excavating. This would be more than enough to ensure the operation of the <br /> 12 ponds. He reported that there is an existing storm sewer system in the parking lot. Regrading <br /> 13 will be done to direct all the melted snow into the sediment ponds. <br /> 14 Gondorchin asked what volume of water was being redirected to Silver Lake Road. <br /> 5 Beduhn reported that there is no water being redirected. This is a water control project to <br /> � <br /> 6 improve the water quality going into the system. <br /> 17 Dennis Cavanaugh,president of C.G. Rein Company (Owner of Apache Plaza), furnished an <br /> 18 exhibit of Apache Plaza after redevelopment has been completed. At present, Apache Plaza is <br /> 19 generating $20 million in retail sales. CUB and Knox are expected to generate $60 to $70 <br /> 20 million per year in retail sales. He explained that there are 5 ingress and egress points of access to <br /> 21 the mall and expressed that he didn't see a problem with the traffic that will be generated with <br /> 22 this project. There will be 91,000 square feet of vacancy with the property from New Market and <br /> 23 SAV Liquor Warehouse. There have been various options presented for this vacancy but no <br /> 24 decisions have yet been made. There will not be a direct access from CUB Foods to the mall at <br /> 25 this time, as it would adversely affect CUB Foods parking space. There may be a possibility of a <br /> 26 covered walkway on the south wall. <br /> 27 Bergstrom asked if there would be a protective fence surrounding the detention ponds. He also <br /> 28 asked about the proposed signage for the properties. <br /> 29 Cavanaugh responded that the issue had been raised but not thoroughly resolved. If it appeared <br /> 30 that these areas were adversely affecting the area, by being a danger to children, then the issue <br /> 31 would be addressed. He explained that the proposed sign package for CUB and Knox would be <br /> 32 addressed at the next Planning Commission meeting. In response to Makowske's questions, <br /> 33 Cavanaugh reported that New Market and SAV Liquor store will remain vacant at this time. <br /> •4 Gondorchin announced thero osed agenda for the November 15, 1994 Planning Commission <br /> p p g g <br /> 35 meeting. In regards to CUB Foods,the issues are 1. Lot split and 2. Variance request. The <br />
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