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PL MINUTES 11151994
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11151994
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 square feet. The second lot would be for Knox/Payless Cashway Lumber Store and would <br /> 2 consist of 445,000 square feet. The third would be what is left of the mall and would consist of <br /> 3 943,000 square feet. The fourth would be for First Bank and would consist of 55,000 square <br /> 4 feet. <br /> 5 Dennis Cavanaugh, C. G. Rein, presented an exhibit which illustrated what is to be accomplished <br /> 6 with this subdivision. CUB Foods is acquiring 8.96 acres. They will demolish 140,000 square <br /> 7 feet of the existing building and reconstruct 75,200 square feet of new building, which would be <br /> 8 attached to the existing mall. Knox Lumber will be acquiring 10.23 acres. They will demolish <br /> 9 106,000 square feet of the existing mall and reconstruct 70,000 square feet of warehouse and <br /> 10 retailing space and attach to the existing mall. In addition, Knox will construct 60,000 square <br /> 11 feet of outside storage buildings. The third lot of 55,000 square feet is currently occupied by <br /> 12 First Bank. This lot was subdivided from the rest of the premises because First Bank is in need <br /> 13 of some additional drive up facilities. The remaining subdivision contains Tires Plus, Taco Bell <br /> 14 and the "Apache Annex", the back part of.the building. The building is approximately 91,000 <br /> 15 square feet but is not part of this subdivision. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Commissioner Makowske asked if First Bank was acquiring more land than they currently were <br /> �8 using and also if there would be cross parking agreements with the lot splits. <br /> 19 Cavanaugh reported that the bank is currently utilizing 40,000 square feet. The only change <br /> 20 being made is a small "finger" of land to accommodate expansion of the drive up facility. He <br /> 21 also verified that there will be cross parking agreements. <br /> 22 B2. Variance request to allow a zero lot line, side yard setback which will allow the proposed <br /> 23 CUB Foods to be built directly adjacent to the remaining Apache Plaza Mall. <br /> 24 City Manager Morrison reported that the next issue is a variance request from.CUB Foods. CUB <br /> 25 will need to obtain approval of a setback variance of 15 feet to allow construction of their <br /> 26 building on the north end of the CUB property with a zero foot lot line placement. According to <br /> 27 the Uniform Building Code, if the structure is placed on a lot away from the Apache property, <br /> 28 they would need to be 60 feet away which would prohibit the size of the facility they are <br /> 29 planning to build. If it is a zero foot lot line, according to the building inspector, it can be <br /> 30 considered part of the building with a fire separation. A zero foot lot line is permitted by the <br /> 31 Uniform Building Code. <br /> 32 Commissioner Thompson stated that he would still like to see an entrance directly into the mall <br /> 33 from both CUB Foods and Knox Lumber. He stated that it would enhance and preserve the <br /> 34 image of the mall. <br /> Jerry Narlock, Engineering Architect for Planmark (CUB), presented their proposal for the <br /> 36 redevelopment and addition of the CUB Foods store directly adjacent to Apache Plaza. They are <br /> 37 proposing to buy approximately nine acres of land of which 142,000 square feet would consist of <br />
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