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PL MINUTES 11151994
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 11151994
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 the existing mall. That said portion would be demolished and the new CUB Foods of <br /> 2 approximately 75,000 square feet, would be constructed adjacent to the remaining mall structure. <br /> 3 This is the reason for the request of the zero foot lot line setback. CUB Foods would have access <br /> 4 directly off Silver Lake Road by the existing driveway to the south. The front of the building <br /> 5 and the parking area would face Silver Lake Road. The receiving area would be in the rear of the <br /> 6 building on the west and face south toward the railroad right-of-way. The colors of the outside <br /> 7 of the building will blend well with the color scheme of the existing mall and will enhance the <br /> 8 appearance of the mall on this end. They are proposing to enhance the green areas with <br /> 9 landscaping. The receiving area will be heavily screened with evergreens to maintain the <br /> 10 screening of the dock year round. He asked for approval from the Planning Commission of the <br /> 11 zero foot lot line setback. This is allowable under the Uniform Building Code. Mr.Narlock <br /> 12 stated it would be a hardship if CUB is required to comply with the 60 foot separation between <br /> 13 CUB Foods and the existing mall. There would not be a project at this time if a 60 foot setback <br /> 14 is required. <br /> 15 C. Variance request for a zero lot line which will allow the proposed Knox Lumber to be <br /> 16 constructed adjacent and connected to the remaining Apache Plaza Mall and a request for <br /> 17 a conditional use permit for outside storage of building materials. <br /> aCity Manager Momson reported that Knox is requesting a variance from the 15 foot lot line <br /> 19 required by ordinance to a zero foot lot line. This is permitted by the Uniform Building Code. In <br /> 20 addition, Knox is requesting a conditional use permit for their facility. Their plans indicate that <br /> 21 all their materials, lumber, etc.,will be under roofs. They have also proposed a 15 foot block <br /> 22 wall with plantings along the outside wall for screening. There will be lighting on the outside of <br /> 23 the structures. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Richard Hehr, Real Estate Representative for Payless Cashways, Inc. (Knox), presented the <br /> 26 proposed plan for their store at Apache Plaza. He stated that Knox is proposing to build a new <br /> 27 prototype store at Apache Plaza which is unlike any other Knox store in the Minneapolis area. <br /> 28 The 70,000 square foot building will be of masonry construction. It is a "user-friendly" store. <br /> 29 The main basis of the new concept is called the "quantum leap" entryway into the product area. <br /> 30 This consists of a drive-through entryway to the product area which is completely enclosed. The <br /> 31 only visibility to see into the product area is through the drive-through entryway. There are also <br /> 32 two toll booths in the drive-through entryway. All the truck deliveries that are made into the <br /> 33 product area will be completely screened. The customer will enter the drive-through entry,being <br /> 34 directed by various signs in the product area, will pick out needed material, load it into their <br /> 35 vehicle, drive back, and pay for the product through their car window at the toll booth. There <br /> 36 will be landscaping both on the west end of the property and as many plantings as possible on the <br /> 37 north end of the property. In response to Commissioner Faust, Mr. Hehr reported they will <br /> utilize the existing lighting in the parking area. In the product area,building mounted lighting <br /> systems will be used that shine downward. There will be no loudspeakers used. All <br /> 40 communication will be done through walkie-talkies. He asked that the Planning Commission <br /> 41 approve the variance for the zero foot lot line. If Knox is required to abide by the 60 foot <br />
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