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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 18, 1995 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Mr. Freshley indicated the third account is the Affordable Housing Funds, this is aimed at life <br /> 2 cycle housing. If a community participates, the money is available. The question for a <br /> 3 community is how the community is going to meet the need of the older residents wishing to <br /> 4 stay within the community. <br /> 5 Mr. Freshley indicated the Metropolitan Planned Act addressed the requirement for the <br /> 6 Comprehensive Plan update. He noted the Met Council is requiring municipalities to update <br /> 7 their Comprehensive Plans by 1998 and update every 10 years from then on. <br /> 8 Mr. Freshley indicated in the early 70's the Comprehensive plan, if different than the Zoning <br /> 9 Plan the Comprehensive Plan, would answer to the Zoning Plan. He noted now the Zoning <br /> 10 Plan must follow the Comprehensive Plan. This will provide for major changes. <br /> 11 Mr. Freshley indicated the Blue Print document he presented earlier will provide a guideline <br /> 12 to the City for the development of their Comprehensive Plan. It will show what the Met <br /> 13 Council will look for. He noted some of the items to address will be: <br /> 14 1) Redevelopment Planning-Reinvestment in the Community. <br /> 15 2) Relationship between the Economic Development Advisory Boards and the <br /> 466 Planning Department within the City. <br /> 7 3) Ways in which the City can enhance the sense of community. <br /> 18 4) Environmental issues. <br /> 19 5) Guided Growth-MUSA (although this does not apply to St. Anthony). <br /> 20 Mr. Freshley indicated the information within the Blue Print is very interesting and <br /> 21 encouraged the Commissioners to read it. <br /> 22 Chair Bergstrom noted the Blue Print was written two years ago, would there be an update. <br /> 23 Mr. Freshley indicated the document is still being used, the only update would be perhaps in <br /> 24 the executive summary. <br /> 25 Mr. Freshley indicated there also is a handbook for municipalities on how to interpret the <br /> 26 Blue Print. <br /> 27 Commissioner Faust inquired about legislation regarding Water Management. Mr. Freshley <br /> 28 indicated he was just guessing, but he believed it was in regards to run off and quality of <br /> 29 drinking water. <br /> 30 Commissioner Franzese inquired about adopting a new fiscal device. Mr. Freshley indicated <br /> 31 the fiscal device would need to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, such as a Tax <br /> 32 Increment Financing District would need to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 03 Mr. Davis provided additional documents, he indicated the information is how the Met <br /> 34 Council views St. Anthony.. <br />