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PL PACKET 10161984
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PL PACKET 10161984
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PL PACKET 10161984
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-2- <br /> Commissioner Hansen indicated there had- been unanimous Commission agreement <br /> that Council approval should. be recommended for the request f rom: Stanon F. <br /> Fabel for a variance which would allow him to add a stall to his existing. one.. <br /> car garage at 2509 - 29th Avenue N.E. Councilman Enrooth perceived this would <br /> be a logical addition for Mr. Fabel to make. The applicant was present and asked <br /> that -the records show his middle initial as F rather than E, ,as listed in the <br /> notice of the hearing on his request and in the minutes of the Commission meeting. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks to grant Stanton <br /> F. Fabel a two foot variance to the City Ordinance requirement for 15 foot <br /> sideyard setbacks for single family residential property which would allow <br /> Mr. Fabel to construct a one stall addition he proposes to the existing garage <br /> at 2509 - 29th Avenue N.E. , finding, as did the Planning Commission, that: <br /> 1 . There was no opposition from the neighbors, and, in fact, the neighbor to the <br /> east who would be the most affected by the variance, had attended the Com <br /> mission hearing September 18th, in order to indicate his approval of the project; <br /> 2. The improvements proposed by the applicant would enhance the appearance of <br /> the property and the extension of the screened porch to the rear of the house <br /> would increase Mr. Fabel 's ability to use his backyard in the summer; <br /> 3. St. Anthony is a two car garage community and the Council concurs with the <br /> Commission perception that it would be a hardship, not just an inconvenience, <br /> for a family with more than one vehicle to have only a one stall garage; <br /> 4. The purpose of the proposed variance is not .based exclusively upon the • <br /> desire of the owner to increase the value or income potential of the parcel <br /> of land; and <br /> 5. The perceived hardship could be considered to have been caused by the City <br /> Ordinance and not by persons having an interest in the parcel of land. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Commission representative then reported the Commission had also unanimously <br /> recommended the Council interpret the lot frontage on 32nd Avenue N.E. to be the <br /> front yard for setback purposes for the property at 2621 - 32nd Avenue N.E. , <br /> in order that the structure proposed to be erected there by the owner, Arthur <br /> R. Peele, could be faced towards Belden Drive. <br /> Councilman Ranallo -reported that after the Council had made a similar interpreta- <br /> tion to permit Ruth Smith to rebuild her storm damaged home on the corner of <br /> 33rd Avenue N.E. and Edward Street N.E. with an attached garage facing 33rd Avenue, <br /> Mrs. Smith's neighbor, T. Dickson, 3326 Edward Street N.E. , had complained to him <br /> that the City had told him he could not move his garage closer to the street. <br /> The Manager. said he was unaware of such a request and .Mayor Sundland -indicated <br /> that although it was unfortunate Mr. Dickson had not .been permitted to change <br /> his garage, he perceived it should have no bearing on the Peele request, especially <br /> since, as staff had pointed out, the Peele .property would be unbuildable if <br /> it were not allowed to face Belden Drive.. Councilman- Ranallo agreed, saying the <br /> same was true for the Smith property, which was also on -a corner, and could, not • <br /> be rebuilt unless the same interpretation -was made. <br /> Dr. Peele was present and answered Council questions related to his proposal . <br /> . Neither of .the neighbors who had. attended.the Commission. hearing was in .attendance. <br />
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