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r" <br /> -3- <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks •,to interpret the <br /> s lot frontage on 32nd Avenue N.E. to be considered the front yard for setback <br /> 3 • purposes for the property at 2621 -- 32nd Avenue N.E. and to permit the structure <br /> proposed to be built there by Aurthur R. Peele to -face towards Belden Drive, <br /> i finding, as did the Planning Commission, that: <br /> a 1 . Arthur Peele had .indicated he intends to build a home without variances in <br /> 1 <br /> that location; <br /> t 2. Because the subject property is a substandard lot, it is necessary for the <br /> i <br /> property owner to face his house towards Belden Drive; <br /> 3. The owner of the lot directly west of the subject property, Joseph -Tretter, <br /> i 2617 - 32nd Avenue N.E. , was present for the September Commission hearing and <br /> indicated he would have no objections to facing the house in that direction; and <br /> i <br /> 4. Removal of the decrepit house which had stood at that corner before the <br /> tornado, could do nothing less than enhance the appearance of the corner and <br /> the neighborhood itself. <br /> i Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 3 As he had at the Commission meeting, Commissioner Hansen sought volunteers for <br /> 3 <br /> planning the City's Biennial Ball to be held next April . Councilman Enrooth <br /> indicated he would be involved in those preparations and the-Mayor said he also <br />{ anticipated playing a part in the event. <br /> • The Fire Department and Financial reports for August were noted and ordered filed. <br />` The next announcement by the Mayor was greeted with applause. He reported <br /> receiving a call from Senator Durenberger 's office informing him that the City 's <br /> 45 unit senior housing project had been selected by H.U.D. for 202 funding . <br /> Councilman Ranallo commented that he perceived the Mayor 's and Councilmember 's <br /> lobbying of H.U. D. officials in Washington, D.C. had really paid off in this <br /> i instance. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Childs gave Lee Entner's 18 minute slide/tape presentation of the first few <br /> minutes of the April 26th tornado as heard on the City's police radio, which <br /> was perceived to have been very well done. <br /> i <br /> Councilman Enrooth indicated he had attended the long awaited meeting by the Rice <br /> I Creek Watershed District Committee he had been appointed to and presented the <br /> extensive report and draft management plan to the City Manager so he could <br /> recommend what the City's response should be 'to the recommendations contained in <br /> the report. The Councilman stated that he perceived that, "If. we don 't do our <br /> homework prior to the final determination on this one, we could be adversely <br /> affected by the -course of action taken". Mr. Childs said he would seek technical <br /> advice from Larry Hamer and Erling- Weiberg, another City appointee to the study <br /> committee. <br /> Councilman Makowske reported attendance at the Ramsey County League of Governments <br /> meeting the previous week where the Minnesota Tax Study Commission report on <br /> • taxing was given by Commissioner Ebel . She summarized some of the conclusions <br />