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-4- <br /> of the- Commission -and•.gave -t•he- compari sons which had been drawn to Minnesota 's <br /> taxes and .those f.or .the nati.on .as a whole. The Councilmember said the Commis- <br /> sion's- initial <br /> ommis-sion's initial report-.would- be publicized. that-week. <br /> Councilman Marks gave- a brief report on the September 20th meeting of the Youth <br /> Service Board of Directors at which one of the Board members had resigned. <br /> For the Council 's information, Mr. Childs had reproduced in the agenda packet <br /> the news article which reported the Public Employees Retirement Association had <br /> voted to use state money to defend themselves against the charges of violating <br /> the Open Meeting Law in spite of the Attorney General 's advice that public <br /> monies should not be used for that purpose. <br /> Mike Dembs, 3531 Owasso Street., Shoreview, gave 'an update. on Group W's marketing <br /> efforts in the ten communities the firm will provice cable service specifically, <br /> the City of St. Anthony. City marketing was delayed by the tornado, the Westing- <br /> house representative said, but started in August and there would be five sales- <br /> persons working in the City from now on, Mr. Dembs promised. Ninety-five percent, <br /> or 2,775 of the City residents, are available for cable service, with 259 <br /> apartments not available because the apartment owners had refused to have their <br /> buildings wired. As of September 24th, Mr. Dembs said, 125 sales had been made <br /> in the City and he indicated the cable firm would be placing a large ad in next <br /> week' s Bulletin which would let City residents know cable is available to them <br /> and giving a number they could call to have service installed. There was a brief <br /> discussion of the various service packages available to the residents and the <br /> Group W representative confirmed that with cable, atennas could no longer be <br /> necessary. Mayor Sundland thanked Mr. Dembs for coming and indicated the City <br /> would appreciate periodic reports on Group W's marketing progress . • <br /> With his September 21st memorandum recommending a date be set for the final hear- <br /> ing on the 1985 Revenue Sharing and City Budget, Mr. Childs had included in the <br /> agenda packet .a draft of the proposed Mayor 's Memos to the community reporting <br /> the summer ' s activities and informing the residents that property taxes would <br /> have to be raised, as would be reported in the media shortly. <br /> Motion by Councilman Makowske and seconded by Councilman Enrooth to schedule the <br /> final hearing on the 1985 Revenue Sharing and City budgets for 8:00 P.M. , <br /> October 9th, with each budget to be given separate consideration at that time. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Councilman Marks expressed his concern that the funding of the Chemical Abuse <br /> Information Committee -and Youth Service Bureau which had been discussed with <br /> both organizations earlier in the year, had somehow been overlooked in the budget <br /> and he asked whether the City Attorney had reviewed the proposed joint powers <br /> agreement with other suburbs which would authorize the City's participation in <br /> financing the Bureau on a per capita assessment basis. The general consensus of <br /> the Council was that the funding should certainly be made for this year but the <br /> decision to continue that funding should be made on a year-by-year basis after <br /> each organization had justified continuance of the City's support to the Council 's <br /> satisfaction. The Mayor suggested the :funding continue to be handled as a line <br /> item to be taken from .the Council 's Contingency Fund rather than to change the <br /> final budget figures which had already been set and on which his memo to the • <br /> residents had been based. Mr. Childs estimated that funding for the Chemical Abuse <br /> Committee would be $1 ,200 and that the Youth Service Bureau would be about <br /> $7,400. <br />