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PL PACKET 01201998
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PL PACKET 01201998
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PL PACKET 01201998
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r , <br /> Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> December 16, 1997 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Commissioner Franzese stated she was glad that this proposal would keep the whole area <br /> 2 residential. She was pleased that the proposal would not add a lot of traffic to the area. <br /> 3 Motion by Commissioner Horst, seconded by Commissioner Franzese, to recommend approval <br /> 4 of the rezoning of 3261 Old Highway 8 from a Light Industrial zoning designation to an R-4 <br /> 5 zoning designation. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Commissioner Franzese suggested the motion be amended to include "no one appeared to <br /> 8 speak against the request". Commissioner Horst accepted the amendment to the motion.- <br /> 9 <br /> otion.9 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 10 Chair Bergstrom noted this request will be considered by the City Council at their January 13, <br /> 11 1998 meeting. <br /> 12 C. Sign Variance Request. <br /> 13 Chair Bergstrom opened the public hearing at 7:20 P.M. <br /> 14 Ms. Moore-Sykes reported that City Staff received a request for two variances to the Sign <br /> 15 Ordinance from Jim Sarna, owner of the Stop `N Go service station, located at 2400 - 37th <br /> 16 Avenue N.E. The first variance is to be allowed to install two monument signs on the <br /> 17 property and the second variance request is regarding the size of the monument signs. <br /> 18 Mr. Sarna is proposing to remove a pylon sign which currently exists on the property and <br /> 19 replace it with two monument signs. He would like to place a 7 foot by 10 foot double-sided <br /> 20 monument sign at the corner of Stinson Boulevard and 37th Avenue N.E. and a 6 foot by 8 <br /> 21 foot double-sided monument sign at the curb cut on Stinson Boulevard. The surface area of <br /> 22 the proposed larger monument sign is 140 square feet and the surface area of the proposed <br /> 23 smaller monument sign is 96 square feet. Mr. Sama's sign proposal also includes increased <br /> 24 landscaping and shrubbery. <br /> 25 Section 1400.10 Ground Signs., Subd. 5, Design and Location., (4) states that the principal <br /> 26 structure of a parcel of land allowed one ground sign, regardless of the number of <br /> 27 tenants'in the structure. Mr. Sarna is asking for the second sign because his business is on a <br /> 28 busy 4-way corner, where Minneapolis, Columbia Heights and St. Anthony converge. He also <br /> 29 wants to remove the pylon sign, which he feels is too much for that comer and is not seen as <br /> 30 a result. He is proposing to replace the pylon sign with a monument sign, which he feels is <br /> 31 less obtrusive visually. At night, the light from this sign will be closer to the ground and <br /> 32 therefore not offensive to the surrounding residential properties. The smaller monument sign <br /> 33 will be placed by the driveway on 37th Avenue and is intended to be more directional in <br /> 34 nature. <br /> 35 Subd. 3 of the same Section states that signs having two or more copy surfaces may have up <br /> 36 to 68 square feet for all surfaces. Mr. Sama is asking for a 72 square foot variance for the <br /> 37 larger sign, which is 140 square feet and a 28 square foot variance for the smaller sign, which <br />
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