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PL PACKET 10201998
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PL PACKET 10201998
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Last modified
12/30/2015 5:36:54 PM
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12/30/2015 5:36:50 PM
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PL PACKET 10201998
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While she stated she is interested in correcting the non-conforming situation that was created <br /> when the City's Ordinance as approved in 1976, which placed her steps in the sideyard <br /> setback, the above-stated options do not allow her to continue to use her property as it was <br /> originally constructed or to its greatest use. Ms. Silberschmidt's inability to satisfactorily <br /> correct the situation is, to some degree, the result of a hardship,created by the adoption of the <br /> - City's Zoning Ordinance. <br /> The second issue is that the proposed deck plan calls for the steps to be incorporated into the <br /> design so that the end result is a deck structure that comes around to the side of the house to <br /> connect with the steps. The property owner stated that this will provide continuity, <br /> accessibility and usability of the steps and deck.but this plan also requires a 2-foot variance, as <br /> the deck will then extend into the sideyard setback as well. <br /> Ms. Silberschmidt is requesting that her application for a variance to the City's Zoning <br /> Ordinance be granted because the undue hardship was not created by her as the property <br /> owner, but by the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance in 1976. By repairing the steps and . <br /> making them part of the proposed deck, she is trying to correct an extraordinary circumstance <br /> by reducing the size of the steps by 1.5 feet, thereby mitigating the impact of the existence of a <br /> nonconforming use. The property owner feels that by being asked to comply with the full <br /> extent of the Ordinance, she would be unduly restricted in the use of her property. <br /> No one contacted the City Staff to voice any objections or concerns. <br />
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