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a • <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> February 23, 1999 <br /> • Page 5 <br /> 1 VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS -None. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 IX. NEW BUSINESS. <br /> 4 A. Resolution 99-023, re: Authorize call for bids for repairs at the G.A.C. water filtration <br /> 5 plant. <br /> 6 Motion by Marks, second by Thuesen to approve Resolution 99-023, authorizing call for bids for <br /> 7 repairs at the G.A.C. water filtration plant. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 B. Discuss 1999 Volunteer Dinner. <br /> 12 Ranallo stated he has recently had requests for the date of the 1999 Volunteer Dinner, and <br /> 13 requested that the Council select a date and perhaps decide on a speaker for the event. He added <br /> 14 Mornson and his staff would organize the event. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Thuesen stated he had 3 ideas for the dinner, which would all be associated with VillageFest: a <br /> 17 community picnic for all residents with special recognition of volunteers; a picnic specifically for <br /> volunteers during VillageFest week; or a dinner similar to last year's event. <br /> 20 Ranallo expressed concern that the week of VillageFest,which already takes much planning and <br /> 21 effort on the part of volunteers; would bean inappropriate time for the dinner. Faust agreed, <br /> 22 stating the dinner is a way to honor volunteers, and asking them to bring a dish to a picnic would <br /> 23 be counter productive. He added that the last week in April is Volunteer Week, and the City has <br /> 24 tried to plan the dinner to coincide with that event in the past, as there is already other publicity, <br /> 25 and attendance is high. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Marks stated the dinner last year was opened up to a larger group which was a positive <br /> 28 development. He added the volunteers might not be able to attend the dinner during VillageFest. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Ranallo stated the Council should decide on a date for the dinner, adding all Saturday nights in <br /> 31 April are booked so a Friday would be better. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Mornson stated if April 30 is agreeable to the Council, he would reserve that on the calendar, and <br /> 34 a list of volunteers and possible speaker could be discussed at the Council's next worksession. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Ranallo stated there has not been a speaker at the Volunteer Dinner for a number of years but he <br /> 37 thought an outside speaker would be_a positive addition. Mornson presented an information <br /> 38 sheet to the Council on a public speaker he had seen recently. <br /> 39 <br /> Motion by Marks, second by Thuesen to set the date of April 30, 1999 for the 1999 Volunteer <br /> 41 Dinner at the Community Center. <br />