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City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> February 23, 1999 <br /> Page 6 • <br /> 1 Motion carried unanimously. . <br /> 2 <br /> 3 C. Discussion of Len Biernat/Mga Jo McGuire Letter to Mayor Rariallo dated February 18, <br /> 4 1999 reg Sroga's Towing Service. <br /> 5 Ranallo presented a letter he had received from`State Representatives Len Biemat and Mary Jo <br /> 6 McGuire with regard to concerns which some residents have expressed to them about the noise <br /> 7 and pollution at Sroga's Towing Service, 3210 Stinson Boulevard. He invited Mr. Joe Sroga to <br /> 8 address the Council. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Mr. Sroga stated he has been a resident of the City for 52 years. Ranallo asked whether that <br /> 11 block of Stinson Boulevard was grandfathered in as commercial zoning when that area was <br /> 12 rezoned. Mr. Sroga stated the block has always been zoned commercial. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Mr. Sroga stated he believes communication is key to solving the issues involved, adding there <br /> 15 have been many conversations with residents in the neighborhood with regard to these issues. <br /> 16 He stated neighbors have complained that truck's back-up alarms are annoying, adding that they <br /> 17 are a necessity and a regulation for trucks. <br /> 18 •19 Mr. Sroga stated his company has addressed contamination and pollution issues repeatedly, <br /> 20 adding an engineering firm had recently been retained by his company to complete borings for <br /> 21 contamination throughout the impound lot, and contamination was found inside the shop in an <br /> 22 ancient oil drum which was removed along with the contaminated soil around it. He stated the <br /> 23 dirt inside the lot is changed every few years to prevent contamination. He stated he is cautious <br /> 24 about what is brought into the lot, and Sroga's Towing Service has stepped up to the plate on all <br /> 25 issues of contamination and pollution. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Mr. Sroga stated his company complies with all restrictions and federal regulations, adding he <br /> 28 understands that residents don't want a towing service in their neighborhood. He stated he hopes <br /> 29 to put up a new fence around the lot to make it look nicer. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Mr. Sroga stated the trucks use 29th Avenue because it is the only street which provides <br /> 32 southbound access to the freeway without going through residential neighborhoods and school <br /> 33 areas. He added the trucks attempt to exit the City as quickly as possible. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Ranallo stated he would like to have the Fire Chief, who enforces City codes, compile all the <br /> 36 items presented by Mr. Sroga in a response to Representatives Biernat and McGuire. He added <br /> 37 Mr. Sroga and Sroga's Towing Service have always cooperated with the City. He stated the <br /> 38 company's use of 29th Avenue was not an issue. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Mr. Sroga expressed his appreciation of the business which his company does in St. Anthony, <br /> 41 adding he wants to stay in the City if possible. He thanked the Police and Fire Departments for <br />