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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 18, 1996 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Chair Bergstrom closed the public hearing at 7:49 P.M. <br /> 2 Motion by Gondorchin, seconded by Franzese to recommend approval of the request for a front <br /> 3 yard setback variance of 32 feet for Roger Bona, Unocal 76 service station,-2812-27th Avenue <br /> 4 N.E. based on its meeting the variance criteria as follows: <br /> 5 1. Strict enforcement would cause undue hardship not created by the landowner. This is <br /> 6 demonstrated by the public demand for canopies. Also the request is not for pure <br /> 7 economic gain. Moving the gas pump would result in the configuration of the island <br /> 8 restricting traffic and causing a safety issue. <br /> 9 2. Unique circumstances in that this is a redevelopment and expansion of an existing <br /> 10 property and the unique shape of the property. <br /> 11 3. Keeping in the spirit of the granting of previous varaince requests for properties in the <br /> 12 area including Phillips 66 service station. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Motion by Gondorchin, seconded by Delmonico to recommend approval of a 10 foot variance to <br /> 15 park in the front yard setback along Kenzie Terrace as it meets the variance criteria as follows: <br /> 110 1. Strict enforcement would cause undue hardship not created by the landowner due to the <br /> 17 unique configuration of the property. <br /> 18 2. Unique circumstances in that this is a redevelopment and expansion of an existing <br /> 19 property. <br /> 20 3. Keeping in the spirit of the granting of previous variance requests for properties in the <br /> 21 area including the Phillips 66 service station. <br /> 22 Vote on the motions: Commissioners Bergstrom,Delmonico, Franzese, Gondorchin, and <br /> 23 Thompson voted aye. Commissioner Makowske abstained. <br /> 24 <br /> Motions carried. <br /> 25 VII. MISCELLANEOUS. <br /> 26 A. Concept Review of Proposed Deck and 3-Season Porch -W Lutterman <br /> 27 Ms. Moore-Sykes reported Staff has received an application from William and Susan Lutterman, <br /> 28 3433 Croft Drive,to construct a deck and eventually a three-season porch on their property. This <br /> 29 will require a back yard setback variance. The applicants are citing the hardship as being unable <br /> 30 to fully utilize the property because of its shape and being a comer lot. The deck and the <br /> 3]9 footings and foundation would be completed this summer. The porch would be built next <br /> 3 summer. <br />