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March 16, 1999 <br /> 3415 Maplewood Drive NE <br /> St. Anthony Village,MN 55418 <br /> Mayor Clarence Ranallo <br /> City Of St.Anthony <br /> 3301 Silver Lake Road NE <br /> St.Anthony Village, MN 55418 <br /> Dear Mayor Ranallo, <br /> It is with regret that I resign my seat on the St. Anthony Planning Commission, effective <br /> March 16, 1999. <br /> Recently, I accepted a position(with my current employer)that requires attendance each Tuesday <br /> evening via videoconference with an Asian supplier. While at some point attendance flexibility <br /> may be realized,the potential for violation of the commission's attendance policy is likely when <br /> personal commitments are also taken into consideration. <br /> Appointed in February 1991, my desire was to recognize and consider interests of both the <br /> business and residential community, acquire a thorough understanding of the commissioner's role <br /> and demonstrate sound judgement. I hope peer assessment of my capacity in the aforementioned <br /> is favorable. Memorable moments for me during my tenure include: participation on various sub- <br /> committees, revisal/updating of the city codes, chairing the planning commission's public hearing <br /> on the aborted Apache Plaza redevelopment effort, providing input to the comprehensive plan and <br /> interfacing with members of the planning commission through the years. It was a pleasure to <br /> work with city staff, meet members of the business community and come in contact with city <br /> residents. Overall, it was an interesting learning and life experience. <br /> My thanks to Mayor Ranallo and city council members for granting me the privilege of <br /> appointment and service to the community. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Y <br /> ?James L. Gondorchin <br />